I have always been fascinated by combining materials - I am not a beader, I can't really sit down and manage those small seed beads (11 anyone?!) or the impossible peyote (impossible for me, I have great admiration and respect for the ladies & gentlemen who master that!). However, I *love* glass beads - and I figured out I have to make something with the beautiful teal beads I recently came upon.
Easy to say - but what can you do with small glass beads if not string them in some sort of stitch?

As I also love long and flexible earrings - I am known to wear them almost to my shoulders... what can I say? I love long earrings :) - one day these earrings came to life. Combining my love for silver and glass - they are as long as one wants them and very fluid (hence their name).
They can be made in absolutely any shade one would prefer them and in any combinations too.
This is the story of my Fluidity earrings - brought to you on a Friday afternoon :)
Enjoy your weekend!