Continuing our journey in the wonderful world of colours - we will take today the last secondary colour and the most intriguing one: purple. Born from the combination of (warm, energetic) red and (cool, stable) blue - purple is the symbol of royalty, power, wisdom, magic, creativity.
Since antiquity royals wore purple, magicians and wizards wore purple, people that wanted to project wisdom and creativity wore purple. Why this fascination with purple? Most likely because it is the 50-50 combination of the warmest and coolest colours, making it the 'perfect' colour (we, humans, have a fixation with perfect and perfection). For this reason purple is used to balance: one's life, health, mind.
It is believed that purples stimulates creativity and imagination, as well as bringing piece of mind. Studies have found that over 75% of pre-school children are attracted to purple more than any other colour (now you know why Barney is purple!).
It is not easily found in nature - thus many believe it's unnatural... hence the mysticism.
The one semi-precious stone you think of when you say 'purple' is amethyst. Borrowing some of the colour's meanings, amethyst is used as a protection stone (funny enough even against witchcraft :)) and as a healer, symbolizing spiritual wisdom and sincerity.
In fashion - it is not an easy colour to work with. Purple is not for all skin types - and it is hard to accessorize and combine. It will go nicely in a mono-chromatic scheme, using lighter or darker tones of the same hue. You'll get an elegant classic look this way.
In a complementary scheme - used with yellow - make sure you keep one of the colour the dominant ones, otherwise they'll fight for attention and the result will be a busy and aggressive view. However, in the right proportion - it'll be very pleasant and as I mentioned before the combination purple-yellow is one I love the most, it always reminds me of spring - I see a field full of purple crocuses and hyacinths, with bright yellow daffodils. A purple dress with yellow strikes or yellow accessories - that's something!
A triad scheme will involve purple (as the dominant), orange, and green or its more neutral and balance version of purple, yellow-gold, and green-yellow. A playful combination and one that can be easily be pulled off if you keep the field I was talking above in mind. Make sure only one hue is dominant and work on the hues of the yellow and green until you get a pleasant combination (hmm... talking about these combinations just gave me an idea!)
An interesting scheme will be the complementary triad: purple, yellow and the colour half-way through either way: orange or teal (blue-green). It is an elegant combination - work with various intensity of the dominant and the neutral combination of all three.
An interesting exercise for anyone would be to pick up a colour they don't feel very comfortable with (and very few people I know are comfortable with purple) and try to create a combination (an outfit, a room decor, anything). While doing that you'll find new sides of yourself, I guarantee you!
I must admit I don't own any piece of purple clothing, however lots of my jewelry pieces are using amethyst :) It's lucky I have white top tanks...
What is your relationship with purple? I'd love to hear your thoughts.