
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Life's Echo

Peony - One of the many pretty things in life A young family on vacation stopped at a cottage beside a large valley. The young brother, being upset and angry with his older brother, went behind the cottage and cried 'I hate you!'. Immediately, a strong voice answered back 'I hate you... hate you... hate you...!'

Scared, he went to his father, told him the story and worried that someone out there hates him. His father went with the boy outside and asked him:

- Was it here you heard someone saying he hates you?
- Yes!
- Now tell him you love him.
- I love you! cried the child, and the valley answered immediately: 'I love you... love you... love you!'

- Well, my son, remember that's how life is: if you say / do bad things, you'll receive bad things. But if you are good and do only good to others, you'll find love everywhere.

When a stranger knocks on the door, charity opens the door of hospitality; happiness welcomes him; and humanity is his host. The hungry man is fed by goodness; faith leads the hopeless man; and love leads the troubled man.

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