
Friday, February 17, 2012

The fortunes (in the cookies)

Autumn in Halton :: All Pretty Things
A hoarder that I am - I just found an impressive number of fortunes I amassed over the past few years.

Some speak the truth, some are silly, some... enjoy all :) [I will split it in 2, since I found yet another stash! I should open a fortune store]

Work with the public and let some of your hidden qualities shine (hmm... must look for those hidden qualities :))

Love is like wildflowers - it is often found in the most unlikely places (especially when you're searching for it in the flower shop!)

Autumn in Halton :: All Pretty Things
There is always a way - if you are committed (I'm afraid there is a way even when you're not committed... you might not like the results, though)

Consider gain and loss, but never be greedy and everything will be all right (hmm... obviously the Wall Street people never encountered this fortune!)

Fortune favours the brave (yes, it does)

Business is a lot like playing tennis: if you don't serve well, you lose (well, really depends whom you are serving against :))

Autumn in Halton :: All Pretty Things
You will do well to expand your business (this is funny - as it came right after my DH decided to expand the business in a new direction)

Good health will be yours for a long time (God bless!)

Excellent day for dusting: start with a few old dreams (yeah, I dust one every few months :))

You are very grateful for the small pleasures of life (yes, I am - and for the big ones alike!)

Don't forget, you are always on our minds (oops... whose minds would that be?!?! should I freak out?)

Sometimes travel to new places leads to great transformation (only sometimes? what's travelling good for if you don't come back a new you?)

Speak softly and sweetly (OK, I'll try)

A house without books is like a room without windows (you should see the windows on our house :))

Did you ever get a fortune cookie with a funny / true / spooky message?!


  1. This was perfect coffee reading, with great wisdom and humor :-) Looking forward to Part 2.

    I found a fortune in my yard last spring. We had not had fortune cookies in months so I am not sure where it came from, but it was perfect: "No need to worry! You will always have everything that you need."

    1. Thank you, Christine! Next week - same time, same place :)

      See, people tell you fate / karma don't exist - yet when you find a message like that, all you can do is ask yourself 'hmm... maybe... ' :)

  2. Hello!
    Cred ca pe marginea fiecarei "prajiturele" se poate scrie cate un eseu; unele sunt evidente, altele necesita multa si ampla discutie, cu concluzii foarte interesante...
    Cateva ma trimit cu gandul la "Caracterele" lui La Bruyere.
    ( calculatorul meu nu vrea sa mai scrie decat in engleza, deci scuze Domnului La Bruyere,pentru lipsa accentelor!)


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