
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The hidden world of... (TED)

Packaging :: All Pretty Things
Image: David Castillo Dominici
I recently stumbled upon this video - it describes a world so hidden for many of us... we don't even think about it: packaging.

Since online sales are raising each year and are here to stay with us... think about it: you receive the box at your door - but how did the items get inside the box?

Watch and learn about the 'magic' - I found it interesting, and as many TED conversations it is delivered in a fun easy way.

Mick Mountz: The hidden world of box-packing

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Am urmarit cu mare placere filmuletul si m-am amuzat cu imaginile "in mare viteza" , care mi-au trezit nostalgii: mi-am amintit de Marele Norman MacLaren, dintr-ale carui opere-capodopere imi aduc aminte si acum acel frumos "Canon", plus altele , vazute acum (atat de!? ) multi ani !( eram studenta ...)
    Poate nu mai e cazul-- Marele Maestru fiind canadian--, dar eu recomand tuturor care inca nu au vazut ceva din filmele sale, s-o faca de urgenta ! Nu veti regreta !


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