
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let's party! (Mardi Gras)

Since I started this blog I've been looking forward to Mardi Gras time - since I have a perfect piece for it, aptly named (what else?!) 'Mardi Gras' :)

Mardi Gras (polymer clay, sterling silver) :: All the Pretty Things
Back when I started to work with polymer clay I was trying various techniques and I had the foresight to use colour that will work together very very well - until I ended up with an assortment of very un-assorted beads. Not one to throw anything out (see Friday's post, I am unable to throw even fortune papers :)) I laid them in front of me and they happily yelled at me "Carnival! Let's party!"

Who am I to argue with the beads?! This is how it comes to you today: Mardi Gras, one of the happiest gayest and most musical piece I've ever made. It dances with you, it sings to you the samba, it is bright and shiny and the perfect accessory for that colourful fancy party :)

I love it to pieces and I had the most fun wearing it - my next goal is to create the Glass Mardi Gras (more practice required, granted).

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Colierul e foarte frumos, cred că e perfect pentru ziua cu pricina.
    Cred că ar fi foarte frumoase şi coliere dintr-un singur fel de mărgele,din cele din şirag, nu pot alege ; mai bine zis , toate îmi plac, cel puţin aşa cum văd eu culorile în fotografie.
    Iar cele mai sferice-- am impresia că unele sunt chiar uşor cubice--cred că se pretează şi ca cercei.
    Infine, "n" variante, la care cu siguranţă te pricepi mai bine, mai ales că le ai în faţă


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