
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birthstones (July - December)

Last week we talked about Birthstones - January to June. Today we will continue with the second half of the year.

Birthstones: July - Ruby (love, friendship, health) :: All Pretty Thungs
July is associated with Ruby - with a meaning of... well, it's red, what do you think? yes, love and friendship. It is considered one of the most powerful gems bringing the bearer peace and confidence, health, as well as courage. Ruby is thought to protect its bearer from misfortune, and to bring him/her good luck and power (especially when it is worn on the left side - could it be a link to the heart?). It is a symbol of royalty.

Birthstones: August - Peridot (peaurity, beauty, joy, happiness) :: All Pretty Things
August is associated with Peridots - with a meaning of purity and beauty. It is considered the stone of friendship and brings joy and happiness. Pirates used peridot as an amulet against evil. Peridot is said to bring you luck and success, ease your sleep and have a calming effect on emotions.

Birthstones: September - Sapphire (truth, faithfulness, clarity) :: All Pretty Things
September is associated with Sapphire - with a meaning of truth, sincerity and faithfulness. One of the four gemstones, sapphire can come in a variety of colours, except red, but it's mostly known in the deep blue shade (who will ever forget Princes Di's ring - now on the finger of the Duchess of Cambridge). Sapphire has been always considered a sacred gem (the legend has it that Moses brought the 10 commandments written on a Sapphire tablet). It is considered the stone of clear thinking and clarity.

Birthstones: October - Opal (hope, happiness, confidence)
October is associated with Opal - with a meaning of hope and happiness. Opal clarify by amplifying and mirroring feelings. It is believed to bring inner confidence to the bearer.

Birthstones: November - Topaz (courage, wisdom, mental clarity) :: All Pretty Things
November is associated with Topaz - with a meaning of courage and wisdom. Topaz is believed to bring mental clarity, focus, perception, and confidence. Combined with tiger eye, topaz will bring wealth and money.

Birthstones: December - Turquoise (success, wisdom, friendship, spirit) :: All Pretty Things
December is associated with Turquoise - with a meaning of success and prosperity. One of the oldest stones known to man, turquoise and associated with the blue sky and the green earth, turquoise is a symbol of wisdom and mankind's source (spirit / sky).  Turquoise has healing properties and brings you courage, friendship and luck. This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it, and it takes on the characteristics of the owner.

The fascination I have with turquoise - you'd think I am born in December :) And to think that I never evern owned my own birthstone (Emerald)... it doesn't seem a gem too common!

These are the gemstones and semi-precious stones associated to one's birth. If you want to make a very personal gift to someone - use their birthstone: in jewelry for women, in cuffs and links for a man.

What is your relationship with your birthstone?


  1. Mine is the peridot, and I always loved the emerald all of my life, over the peridot. I actually grew up thinking my birthstone was a green emerald. However, the beauty of the pear hued stone is growing on me :)

    1. Oh, yes, the peridot is such a happy colour! I first learned about it about 7 years ago, I believe, through the children's show "Blue's Clues" - my son and I watched this show a lot... and I was quite intrigued by 2 of Blue's friends: Magenta and Peridot :)

  2. Hello!
    Sunt fascinată de toate pietrele, preţioase, semi- şi chiar banale-- ar zice unii ( am prin casă, puse şi expuse in fel şi chip, cateva zeci de kg de pietre, de tot felul de culori, dimensiuni, forme, culese de prin zonă sau cărate, de-a dreptul , de pe unde am fost : la munte,la mare, la Olăneşti, ba una am adus-o de la Bucureşti , unde stătea , (mă aştepta !) pe o alee , între blocuri ....
    Aşa că am citit cu mare plăcere textul de mai sus şi aş zice că mi se potriveşte foarte bine piatra mea -- safirul-- dar toate imi plac , mai puţin cele negre ( ştii reţinerea mea faţă de negru in general; am , insă, tot respectul faţă de forţa lui , spre ex în arta plastică , în eleganţa vestimentară sau în lumea florilor, ş.a.m.d. ).
    Dar despre atracţia mea faţă de lumea pietrelor aş putea vorbi ore, zile, şi nu acesta e rostul comentariilor de faţă.
    oricum, mulţam fain , încă o dată pentru textul de mai sus, pentru starea de reverie în care m-a transportat şi mai aştept şi altele la fel . Succes şi la mai mare !

    1. Ah - I wonder how to translate what my mom said above :) She's fascinated by stones: precious or less, I probably inherited my total fascination with what's beautiful from her! She has a splendid collection of rocks - all scattered through the house, from all the places she visited (she lovingly talks about how one of these stones 'waited for her in an alley in Bucharest'... she's probably right, I can imagine how the stone did just that :))
      She read my birthstones article with joy - and she thinks her stone is matching her personality very well (she's sapphire), but she likes all of them equally (less black, but more on that another time).
      She thanks me for the article, for the eerie state it transported her into and she's looking forward to many more with the same effect.
      Talk about high expectations!! Mom - thank you for your kind words, I am truly happy my thoughts and words bring you joy, I believe that's the ultimate compliment: when one can bring joy to his / her parents!

  3. LOL, "Combined with tiger eye, topaz will bring wealth and money." This one is mine, now I am off to find the two and combine them!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate and love to read your comments!