
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flowers (TED)

A beautiful short video on flowers - in ways you might not have thought about them before!



  1. Wonderful ! Verry, verry nice and interesting !
    Cum stii, acum multi ani am cumparat un set de lentile , etc, din care se putea face un ( mini)binoclu , un (mini) microscop si inca vreo 2-3 asemenea obiecte, care apropie sau maresc.
    ( Setul il mai avem inca, are o poveste la care o sa revin cu alta ocazie ...).
    Si , daca-ti mai aduci aminte, am studiat fascinati florile violetei-de-Parma, musculite, etc. Mi-ar fi placut si inca mi-as dori un microscop , la care sa patrund inspre " infinitul mic", vorba unei colege .
    Deocamdata ma bucur de ceea ce au putut realiza altii, cu instrumenetele necesare si cu atata dragoste pentru asemenea Minuni ale Lumii si carora le multumesc ! Deasemeni le multumesc celor care, cu generozitate , au postat filmuletul pe Internet ( banuiesc , inca n-am cautat ) sau pe blog, cum ai facut tu ( din pacate, filmuletul merge doar pana la aproape jumatatea timpului indicat ).
    Multumiri, inca o data !

    1. My mom, again (she's my most avid reader, like any mom should be :)). After being excited about the short movie I shared she recalls us buying a microscope many eons ago and watching (mesmerized) various items under its glass: an African Violet petal, a fly (long-dead, disclaimer: no animals were harmed by us! :)) and many other items as we found them.
      She then goes on to thank the ones who make such movies and the ones who share them for her (and not only) enjoyment.

      You're welcome, mom :)


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