
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gemstones: Turquoise

Aztec Dream necklace (sterling silver, turquoise, Czech glass, copper) :: All Pretty Things
It only makes sense to start talking about gemstones by picking the one I love the most (for still unknown reasons!) - turquoise.

There are 3 different types of gemstones:

  • precious: diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald
  • semi-precious: pretty much everything else that's a rock
  • organic: pearls, coral, and amber
Inside the 'middle pack' we will find 'my' stone - turquoise.

The Lord of the Rings (turquoise, sterling silver) :: All Pretty Things
With its green-blue colour, turquoise is right in between the 2 spectrum of colours: warm and cold.
Thus - it is a balance stone - it helps us to understand ourselves better and bring our emotions under control. The Native Americans hold it as a sacred stone, one that absorbs negativity and transforms it in positive energy. Their belief is turquoise will help you become one with the Nature and Universe.

For healing properties - apparently it is useful for people with respiratory problems (throat, lungs, asthma)... and that might be very well why I am so drawn to it!

Turquoise cabouchon :: All Pretty things
Some of the turquoise meanings include: protection, meditation energy, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. Turquoise is considered to be generally healing and bringing the wearer positive thinking and sensitivity. Turquoise gemstone connects us with all life. Also enhances friendship, love, communication and loyalty.

It is the birthstone of people born in December (or under Sagittarius sign) and the 11th Anniversary stone.

What is your favourite stone? Please leave a comment and I will use it for the future articles :)


  1. Alicia, Thank you for the insight on Turquoise it is a beautiful stone I have always liked it. I would have to say my favorite gemstone is Jasper in any of the many color ways it comes in.

    1. Thank you, Therese, I am happy you enjoyed it. Next week it will be Jasper then :) Better do sime research on it!


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