
Monday, March 19, 2012

New beads

Oh, boy - am I excited or what?

On Saturday I was going through stores - my weekly shopping trip (which I hate 100% BTW) - and I stopped at Value Village. I get there every now and then and go through their kitchen area - mostly to find beautiful packaging ideas (in forms of vases and fine porcelain objects). Today I browsed the wall too, where they keep the arts & crafts supplies, I was looking for some decor items for my Christmas vases (the ones that I keep filled with colourful Christmas tree glass decorations) - they are empty now and depress me :)

Lo on behold what do I find?! A bag full of ceramic beads. At first I thought there might be one or two... but no... it is a bag (the size of a sandwich bag) filled with mostly ceramic beads and a few glass beads too. Of course I snitched it!

At home, after cleaning them well - I spilled them on a towel to dry out... and my surprise became even bigger (if that's possible): inside the bag were not one, but two full sets of ceramic beads: one a light green, one a beautiful turquoise. Round beads, disk beads, square beads, round beads (smaller), and ring beads... a kid in the candy store I am now.

Ceramic beads :: All Pretty Things

I have a couple of projects already started, so I will let them simmer for a bit - but I fully intend to do something extraordinary beautiful with them, I so wished for ceramic beads for a while... and here they 'found' me :)

But this week I am busy with the small challenge Erin (from Erin's Jewelry Creations) concocted last week (you can read all about it on her Facebook page, right here) and until I am done with this new technique I've tried, I am not starting anything else... no matter how tempting that might be!

How do you like my new 'babies'? :)


  1. love them~can't wait to see what you do with them!

  2. Sweet and your enthusiasm is infectious!!!:)

    1. Oooh, of course it is - I really wished to get myself some ceramic beads for a long time... to find them in a set like this is like a dream come true :)

  3. I love Value Village! I'm found some real treausres there too. Great find!

    1. I never thought I'll find beads... now I will have a new place to check :)

  4. Beautiful! I love working with ceramic. They are so unique. I cannot wait to see the final products.

    1. Thanks, Rachel - I already started making sketches :)

  5. Hello!
    Sunt minunate , au nişte nuanţe splendide, ce să mai zic de consistenţă !
    Ştii ce slăbiciune am pentru ceramică, în general. ( chiar azi am cumpărat o vază de Marginea ! îţi dai seama !? la noi, în oraş , de la un tip care vinde "vechituri "-- am mai cumpărat de la el diverse şi mă ştie de " clientă serioasă",, ca să zic aşa, drept care îmi mai face rabat ( zic eu ) .
    "Vechiturile" de azi au fost, deci, o vază neagră, de Marginea ciobită un pic, dar care se poate ajusta foarte bine şi uşor -- mi-a dat chiar şi indicaţii ...-- şi câteva monede , destul de actuale, dar n-am rezistat ispitei, mai ales că mi le-a lăsat la jumătate preţ faţă de cât a zis iniţial ( şi care nu mă ispitea deloc ...)
    Abia aştept să văd ce realizezi din achiziţia cea nouă.
    Spor la treabă şi idei bune !

    1. Thanks, mom (she likes them, of course, she *loves* ceramic, not only beads... our house was and still is filled with ceramic pots and plates, we ate from them, even cooken in them!).


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