
Friday, March 16, 2012

On happiness

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a great site Marc and Angel Hack Life. It is one filled with inspirational quotes, but in a very tasteful way (I am weary of tasteless and aggressive marketing of anything).

Yesterday, I believe, they ran a splendid photo-journey: 25 Photo Illustrated Reminders to Help You Find Happiness. These are simple steps we can all take, one at a time, to make ourselves happy. I am a firm believer in the idea that happiness is inside oneself, all we have to do is reach and grab. Yes, context matters and bad things happen - however, happiness is about how you react to what happen to you. There are many ways to respond to the context and very few people will choose to be positive and try to make the best out of it. Although it's in our power!

May you find the power to be happy!


  1. great site! thanks for pointing me over there

    1. Glad you liked it, Christine - I found it full of *just-the-perfect-thing-to-say* moments :)

  2. Hello!
    Am studiat, de-a dreptul, textele celor 25 de fotografii !
    Multumesc ca ai pus acest site, m-am uitat si la inca vreo cateva semnalate in site-ul respectiv.

    1. My mom practically studied the text of the 25 pictures in my post (not a small feat for a person who never learned English, if you think about it! she basically takes the dictionary and translates everything). She now thanks me for sharing the site - she, of course, wandered about and read more.
      You're welcome, mom - I am really happy you enjoy both what I write and what I share. Thank you for being so dedicated!


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