
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


A couple of years back, while visiting our friends down south, my son saw a TV add where you could order caterpillars and have them grown into butterflies. My ever-studious and nature-loving offspring fell in love with the idea and when we returned home I started some research (since you can't import caterpillars from US! the import forms you need are horrific) and I finally found an Ontario company that will do just that (Butterflies & Roses).

It was too late for that year (we were already in September), but come next spring (2011) what did we do? Ordered ourselves the Painted Lady caterpillars! They came snugly fit in little cups with something that looks like hardened honey and in just a few days were ready to be pined on the mesh tent they provided in the package!

Painted Lady butterfly - phase 1: caterpillar :: All Pretty Things

Painted Lady butterfly - phase 2: chrysalis :: All Pretty Things

About 2 weeks of almost hourly checking followed - we were watching the chrysalises like hawks. Not sure how they managed - but almost all opened up when we weren't looking... except 2! We watched breathlessly the miracle: it is something truly special when witnessing the birth of a butterfly!

Painted Lady butterfly - phase 2 & 3: chrysalis & butterfly :: All Pretty Things
Painted Lady butterfly :: All Pretty Things

Over the next day / day and a half our tent changed from a quiet place into an almost constant flutter of orange and black. Since they didn't seem overly happy - we released soon after... William was quite sad for a few days and every butterfly we saw in the backyard was 'for sure one of ours, mommy!'

Besides the miracle of watching them transform - there was the miracle of this beautiful moment:

William and the Painted Lady butterfly :: All Pretty Things

William and the Painted Lady butterfly :: All Pretty Things

William and the Painted Lady butterflies :: All Pretty Things

And what do you think arrived in the mail last Wednesday??

You guessed it - a new butterfly adventure is starting!

P.S. Remember we have a giveaway going on - righ here! enter as many time as you can for 28 chances!


  1. This is truly delightful! Terrific photos!

    1. Thank you, Sharyl - it is a great experience, I would recommend it to anyone :)

  2. Alicia,
    Thank you for sharing your blog with us! Your story and photos brought a tear to my eyes. You've captured the joy of observing and interacting with the butterflies in such a beautiful manner, it warmed my heart. Thank you for sharing this with us! Linda (Butterflies & Roses)

    1. Thank *you*, Linda, for the opportunity to create these moments... butterflies have always been part of our lives and to watch them grow is something every child should experience! We'll keep coming back - this year I really want to try the Monarchs too!


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