
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Flap your Wings - Judy Glende design challenge

This is a memorial for Ms. Judy Glende (JudithBDesigns and Flap Your Wings) - I didn't know her and I have just recently learned her name when she got her wings... I was impressed by the reaction of the community (that's how you know when someone really is an angel on Earth) and when Tania suggested this design challenge I signed up.

From Tania's blog:

Some participants are auctioning, selling (whether privately or through online stores) their creations and will donate their proceeds to the charity of their personal choosing. Please take the time to enjoy the hop with us, and consider purchasing/bidding/donating to the charities we all hold dear to our hearts.

In Judy's Obituary, the following charities were suggested for donations:
  • Mustang Alley Horse Rescue, 1020 Walters Road, Greenville, TN 37743
  •  Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Dermatology Melanoma Research Fund, 55 Fruit Street, Bartlett Hall Room 622, Boston, MA 02114
** Also, if any of the participants would like to mail the donation directly to the Glende family, please contact Tania.

The participants:

1. Tania Spivey
2. Lori Anderson
3. Kashmira Patel
4. Gail Accinelli
5. Rebecca Anderson
6. Rebekah Payne
7. Amanda Doyle Tibbetts (*)
8. Kim Ballor
9. Rochelle Brisson
10. Sandra McGriff
11. Lana Kinney
12. Kym Hunter
13. Terri Wlaschin
14. Ginger Bishop
15. Shannon Chomanczuk
16. Kelli Jacobson
17. Patricia Gasparino
18. Deana Hager
19. Erin Siegel
20. Deborah Wenske Brooks
21. Lynne Bowland
22. Alicia Marinache <-- You are here
23. Pam Ferrari
24. Shirley Jones Moore
25. Joanne Tinley
26. Shanti Johnson
27. Lorelei Eurto
28. Antiquity Travelers
29. Shelly Joyce
30. Marlene Cupo
31. Dee Torcherer Elgie

(*) Amanda regretfully couldn't participant in the reveal but will be making a donation

I thought a lot about what to do - at one point I had a perfect image of my tribute... but I couldn't find the components in time. I will, however, get them in a couple of weeks and make what I originally wanted to. So I decide on a delicate romantic piece, one I've wanted to make for long and just postponed it over and over.

Here it is: Blue Romance (jade and sterling silver, necklace):

Blue romance (jade, sterling silver) necklace :: All Pretty Things

Blue romance (jade, sterling silver) necklace :: All Pretty Things

I will add it to the store... this is our Easter weekend and I am 'stealing' some time right now ... hopefully on Monday... Please visit all the artists participating!


  1. This is a great spring time piece. Glad you made something you've been wanting to make for a while. It feels good doesn't it?

    1. Yes, it indeed does, Ginger! Thank God for challenges :)

  2. So cheerful and pretty, forget-me-nots are the perfect tribute to Judy's memory...

    1. Oh, my God, Cherry... that's it! I looked at them all evening and tried to give it a name, something was just there, but I couldn't 'touch it' - that's it, Forget-Me-Not! My favourite little flowers, my garden is full of Forget-Me-Nots.

  3. Very pretty :) They do look like forget-me-nots!

    1. Thank you, Skye - and now that you and Cherry pointed it out, they do look like forget-me-nots. Isn't it nice when unintentionally you create exact what you're supposed to? :)

  4. Your piece embodies fun and summer!

  5. With all the love going out to Judy today, forget-me-nots are perfect!

    1. Thank you, Marlene, I am so glad everyone likes the little forget-me-not flowers... and love was, indeed, what I was sending.

  6. Oh, I love forget-me-nots and these are a wonderful way to honor Judy!

    1. Thank you, Kym, I love forget-me-nots too (even if these were 'subconciously' made)

  7. What a lovely piece! The blue flowers are so happy, I just had to smile when I saw it. You did a wonderful job honoring Judy, and all she represents. Have a fantastic weekend!

    1. Thank you, Shirley, I am so glad you and everyone else liked it! (I had my doubts in the beginning, since they were nothing like Judy's style)

  8. Very pretty -- she would have loved it.

  9. I agree! So happy...which is what Judy always seemed to be...even if I only conversed with her via email! I love all the cheerful spring/summer colors everyone seemed to use...except me! LOL!

    1. Thanks Tania - yours are amazing too! I just love how you mix various media and elements and add a personal touch to each piece (I am not sure how you're able to sell them anymore after that :))

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, Rebekah - I was chatting with my mom, how everyone likes my happy flowers and how I was worried... in our culture we focus more on mourning and the sadness on passing, I love the idea of celebrating one's life and trying to bring a smile and being happy, and I wasn't sure how appropriate will be... I had no more worries since the first comment :) You've all been so wonderful!

  11. That is really cute! Love those cheery flowers! =)

  12. Those little flowers are so cute! Love the way you turned them into a 'tassel'


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