
Saturday, May 26, 2012


Happy Anniversary!
Tomorrow there will be 16 years since I married my sweetheart.

I can't post pictures of that day... because I don't have pictures... we are the only couple I personally know who eloped! The circumstances were such that we couldn't even think about having one of those weddings that (almost) every girls dreams about.

Did I dream of one? To be honest - not really :) I always knew I want to get married and make a family, but I could never picture myself as a bride :) which is probably why I agreed to our eloping.

Do I regret not having a 'proper' wedding? Not really either. A few years back hubby and I had a Video production company and we filmed and edited quite a number of weddings... sometimes I would romantically sigh, however - I would have liked one for myself on one condition: someone else would be in charge of anything, I would just had to come, get dressed, get to the church, say 'I do' (well, not really again - it's a long sermon, but I don't recall the bride & groom having to say 'I do' in our church... interesting) and go somewhere for the honeymoon. Since my 'dream' wedding is utopia, we left it at our original eloping :)

Happy Anniversary!
I think what I'm trying to say is: it doesn't matter how you get married, what's important is how you stay married :) The very first few years weren't all too pretty, but somewhere between year 4 and 5 (I believe) - we finally both smoothed up our corners and became a couple of one mind. So much so that to this day there is no need for words to know what the other wants to say, to the extent of when words are spoken, they are identical. I mean: identical - down to the intonation. Our beautiful son considers this both creepy and gross :)

So tomorrow is our 16th Anniversary! Happy anniversary, dear Florin! To many more to come!

May your grass always be green
May your skies forever blue
May your heart always be young
And may God bless you!

P.S. I need to specify I wanted to make something in the 16th anniversary stone (peridot). To my complete dismay peridot is not a gemstone readily available, not in this area at least. Our nice store didn't have it stock and Michaels had some minuscule chips I simply didn't know what to make with :) I'll have to wait for an anniversary with an easier stone, probably :)


  1. I totally agree. We didn't exactly elope, but it was in one of the wedding chapels in Gatlinburg, TN. We celebrated 23 years in April, and the wedding was such a miniscule part of this wonderful journey. If I could give any advice to engaged couples, it would be that. Don't place so much emphasis on the wedding ceremony.
    Have a great day tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, Shirley - many more years in your journey too!

  2. Happy Anniversary to the two of you! I wishe you all the happiness in the world for years to come! Hugs from Calgary!

    1. Thanks, sis! Same to you :) Hugs & sunny smiles from all of us to all of you!

  3. Hope today is a wonderful day for you both! My husband and I were married by a JOP specifically to avoid the headache and unnecessary expense of a big wedding; it had to be done in secret because we knew we would get a lot of flak from our very traditional families, despite our maturity (we were 27 and 32). We chose witnesses who could be counted on to keep their lips zipped, and our only other guest was our 1-year-old son. Three more sons later, we have no regrets. While I do not begrudge the big white wedding for couples who have planned and budgeted, unfortunately these affairs are often achieved on credit and/or to the detriment of other more vital expenditures. What a needlessly frivolous beginning to a life together... it's too bad THAT much effort wasn't put into planning the MARRIAGE as opposed to the WEDDING.

    1. LOL - same here, we were pretty much the same age! And traditional doesn't even begin to describe the whole atmosphere back in Easter Europe (at least 16 years ago). You must have your hands super-full with that many boys! [on the other hand, you'll have lots of help for changing the deck :)]
      Keep having a wonderful marriage! and thanks for stopping by.

    2. Yes, we have been known to make use of the "slave" labour a few times over the years, though the boys are about as HANDY as Mum and Dad LOL

  4. Hello!
    La mulţi, mulţi ani, fericiţi , cu sănătate şi bucurii !
    Cu toată dragostea, mama şi Radu.

    1. Thanks mom; she's wishing us all the best, together with my brother. We love you too!

  5. Happy Anniversary, Alicia! You two look so good together :)

    1. Thank you, Kashmira - those are 2 rare portraits, made by a good friend of us! The only way I could convince my hubby to stay in a picture :)

  6. Happy Anniversary, and hope it's been a wonderful day!

    We eloped 19 years ago just before Christmas. It was planned that way. I had begun planning a trip to visit my sister in New Zealand and asked my then boyfriend if he wanted to join me. As we continued to plan we discovered we could just 'pop over' to Fiji and spend the week by adding a mere $100 to the cost of the trip. Done, and done! We started to realize that this trip really would be an amazing honeymoon. We looked at each other and said ... well? We ended up planning it all for about 3 months (it was so hard to keep it quiet!). We went up to Wine Country in San Francisco, had the JOP marry us in the library, came back and pack it up for a 3 week trip down under. 6 months later we threw a big party in Golden Gate park. Hamburgers on the grill, volleyball in the park. Our wedding was for us, and the party was for everyone else. And no one had to wear a suit. Best of both worlds.

    1. Oh, that makes for a wonderful story and a great adventure! Thanks for sharing it - and may you have a wonderful journey together for many years to come!


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