
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Faberge's Doodle

I couldn't resist! Today Google's Doodle honoured Peter Carl Faberge's brithday. The son of a great Russian jeweler, he made the name Faberge well known when he executez the Tzar's commission of a jeweled egg... The rest, as they say, it's history.


  1. Măiestrie şi artă la cel mai înalt nivel !
    M-am bucurat cât am putut măcar cu fotografiile, ce am găsit pe Google, căci , cel puţin deocamdată, n-am avut ocazia să văd asemenea bijuterii în realitate.

    1. My mom - being happy to see at least pictures online, since having the chance to see one in real life is slim... I wish we were in UK this spring / summer, if I am correct they have some on display for the Jubilee. It would, indeed, be wonderful to see one for real.


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