
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gemstone show

A few of weeks back I discovered the lapidary area of Southern Ontario: Brantford!

By sheer luck I stumbled upon an ad for the Gemstone Show - and I told to myself (what a wonderful world): Alicia, you *must* go to this show. Not knowing what to expect at all got my son, some money and in our more-than-decent clothes (it was Sunday, after church) we drove down 403 for a little while... I know the Brantford area just from the car's window, we have never stopped in the city, most we've done was hiking in the conservation parks (beautiful ones).

I wasn't sure what to expect - and I was completely surprised (in a nice way) by what we found: a country community center full of gemstones... and beads... and tools... and crystals... and fossils... and jewelry... and... It took both of us a few good hours to go through every single booth, especially since at each booth one of us (or both) would find something interesting to discover - and buy :) My son was in a personal type of heaven: the boy loves stones and now he also had people that knew lots about them, and he could ask and be answered, and he could touch and study and not be told 'do not touch', and he could try different things. Plus mommy was crazy enough to let him buy tons of items.

This is was he ended up with:

William's gemstones: turquoise, pyrite, amethyst, quartz, geodes, shark teeth fossils

Now the boy is happy - and mommy's happy too, she finally found where the precious metals workers are, where to buy gemstones, and where to go for classes in the near future.


  1. Hi Alicia,
    I went to my first Gem and Mineral show last fall and just like you I did not know what to expect. I was in heaven as I am sure you and your Son were too. I love what your Son picked out he has a good eye. Enjoy your new found treasures.


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