
Friday, June 8, 2012


The following is a true piece of our lives - conversation through email between our son and his parents (us).

It started like this:


From: Son
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 6:44 PM
To: Daddy
Cc: Mommy
Subject: Getting next pet
Importance: High

Hi mommy and daddy,
I wanted to update you on my news.
The next pet we get is going to be at Cat.
No exceptions until the next email.
Please write to me if you have any questions or concerns, please write back.
RED LETTERS= Important
William's email signature

Star wars expert
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Mom trying to negociate a way out of this mess

From: Mommy
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 6:44 PM
To: Daddy
Cc:  Son
Subject: Getting next pet

Hi William,

Thank you for your letter – it is lovely!

Your request has been noted – right now we have as many pets as we can deal with, however when the time will come for another pet we will have a family council and make a decision together.


Son not bulging...
From: Son
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 6:44 PM
To: Mommy
Subject: Getting next pet

Hi mommy,

1: way off track

2: decision made already


When the time comes, we will get a snake of a cat.


Daddy enters the stage - he did not see 2nd email from son yet :)
From: Daddy
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:49 PM
To: philip
Subject: RE: Getting next pet
Hi William
This indeed a well written letter, well done William!
To reiterate what mommy said, we will make sure to give your proposal our full consideration when the time comes to make a decision in this important matter.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
P.S. I like your signature!
We are now waiting for son's answer to his father... I sense it will be good... really good.
P.S. If at 9 years old they are able to articulate such letters (complete with proper signature and pictures in signature!), is there a wonder I've always been somewhat intimidated by the corporate language?! Obviously not hubby :) 


  1. OMG that is awesome! I too have a 9 year old at home. She has mastered my iPhone and regularly loads apps (thank god only the free ones), snaps pictures (last time she got ahold of it there were 200+ pictures she took then emailed to herself). But my absolute favorite is when I caught her fooling around with the camera. She denied it, but left a picture as proof! check it out. I posted on my FB and got many giggles from parents.

    1. Uh-oh... she'll learn very soon how to clear her trails! That's too funny!

  2. Hi Alicia,
    Oh my this is so cute! This sounds like something my Son would have done at 9 if we would have had a computer and e-mail. I feel so old right now!

    1. LOL, Therese - trust me, with this new generation is impossible to feel in-time :) I work with computers all day long (so does his daddy) and we still look speachless at him sometimes. I just love how he takes everything he learns in school and applies it in real life!

  3. I'm with you, Alicia. While kids may no longer learn to write formal letters in cursive, I feel as long as they are able to express themselves politely in text, and get their point across in the technology of the day, we will be in good hands. (Giving the child a thought-provoking response is helpful!) I haven't had a nine-year-old around for many years, but the tone of this conversation brings back memories... oh, yes, indeed!

    1. :) They can surprise you, can't they?
      Yeah - making him write with a pen is not working very well (although his writting is extrelemly neat), but I am glad he emails his friends - seems to be the best we can do for now.

  4. I am so chuckling at this post! Reding it, BTW as my 4 year old granddaughter plays her Nintendo DS in the next room. Can we say antiquated?

    1. LOL, no, Marlene... we'll say 'experienced'. Unfortunately they miss some serious experiences we gathered from playing with wood toys. Some they make up for, but some...

  5. De-abia aştept să văd urmarea..
    Sunt tare curioasă, mai ales că e vorba de o pisică !( între altele, un animal mult drag mie, ca toate felinele, plus cabaline, canine, etc-- mai puţin "crocodili şi-alte reptile"...)
    Şi, cum aveţi deja doi câini, destul de mari, şi ca talie şi ca vârste, precum şi multe pasări , iepuri şi alte animăluţe mai mult sau mai puţin domestice, o pisică ar face un soi de " (mini) zoo-familie " -- o nebunie !
    Vă urez succes şi aştept cu nerăbdare să văd cum vor evolua lucrurile !
    Oricum, toate felicitările lui Philip, pentru modul impecabil în care a alcătuit textul şi, din câte îmi dau seama, perfect ortografic !


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