
Thursday, June 7, 2012

National day of...

I just had to steer away from the Thursday Technique theme, you'll understand me in a moment.

Last night I just stumbled upon a site, it seems a most serious one, State Symbols USA. Listed were the national holidays, a few more important dates... then... Food Holidays. OK, I though, there are going to be a few dates here and there... Nope, apparently almost every day of the year can be celebrated with yet another food. And every month has been declared the National Month of... at least 3-4 different food-related subjects.

And today, you'll ask, what about June 7th? Well - June 7th is no less than National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. I don't know about you, but I am going to observe this - not one to pass a chance at Chocolate Ice Cream, and neither is the beautiful son, as you can see from these pictures:

National Chocolate Icecream Day, celebrated a month earlier (Florida, May 2007) :: All Pretty Things
Florida, 2007 - the biggest ice cream we have ever seen!

National Chocolate Icecream Day, celebrated a month earlier (Florida, May 2007) :: All Pretty Things

Just in case you wonder - nope, we were not able to finish it.

And yes, 5 years later, to this day I still think about that immense cup (about the size of William's head at the time!) we had to to leave behind us... unfinished...


  1. That's what I call a family-sized sundae! Not sure my four boys could have finished that off, even in their prime... well, MAYBE!

    1. More like a tribe-sized :) Well, probably around 12-16 they're all good with that one... but at 4 is definitely a daunting task :)

  2. Bănuiesc că e (foarte) bună--îngheţata, ea nu face parte din preferinţele mele, din mai multe motive..--dar cred că, chiar şi pentru cei care au un "gabarit" serios şi n-au probleme de sănătate care să le pună îngheţata pe lista de "(oarecum) interzise"-- o asemenea cantitate e o adevărată provocare !
    Nu vreau să fiu rea, dar cred ca 7-10asemenea porţii intr-o lună asigură ceva diabet, probleme cu colecistul etc.
    Aşa că las plăcerea unei asemenea porţii criminale celor care au curaj !


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