
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gustav Klimt

Opening the browser today I was greeted by a neat doodle:

I must admit until last year or so I didn't know much about Gustav Klimt. Then William came home with a strange picture made in art class... and while talking about it I realized his teacher chooses a painter, presents one or 2 famous pictures and the kids then try to recreate it, adding their own touches and personalities. [This year it was Van Gogh's sunflowers].

I am not sure I like Klimt or not - I will surely agree he's an Art Nouveau painter... and I do not do well with any of the symbolists :) However, most of Klimt's work I've seen is, at least, very light and bright, and somehow sunny. So even if I don't know if I like it, I prefer it to other modern painters :)

Enjoy a Klimt Saturday :)


  1. Klimt is one of my favorites. Very sensual painter, but I also love his portraits (lesser known work) they are stunning. I just saw several at the MET a few weeks back and have yet to post on that trip! tad behind on my blogging :)

    1. I think I need to see a bit more and learn a lot more about him to understand it. I am not one for symbols - not in art, at least :) I like hid 'gold' paintings a lot, they are warm and much easy on the eye than other modern artists! Please do post your thoughts on the trip - I am always interested in learning more about the world :)

  2. Oh, în ziua aceasta pur şi simplu am plutit !
    Klimt, pe care l-am (re)descoperit acum vreo 5-6 ani, este unul din Marii , Marii pictori şi desenatori , pentru care am o adoraţie fără margini !
    Toată ziua am umblat ( am "navigat pe net ", mai nou) şi am căutat şi am admirat tot ce s-a putut ! I-am mulţumit lui Google pentru fericita inspiraţie de a-l fi ales pe Klimt pentru reprezentarea zilei .


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate and love to read your comments!