
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A new trapshooter has been born!

Well, he was born 9 and some years ago :)

A trapshooter was born: William and hist first targets!
Just in case you've missed the info - my husband has the best job out there: he's a trapshooting coach. We operate the only full-time trapshooting school in Canada and his time is almost exclusively dedicated to the school ( In the past 5 years we have traveled a lot first in Ontario, then down South (New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio) for competitions. In the beginning I was worried our son might resent trapshooting, since it takes a lot from our family time (as with any hobby, most people can do it only during weekends) - but so far it seems we might have striked a nice balance. He loves camping and he has friends everywhere we go - so he's always looking forward to going again :)

A couple of years ago he started to ask when he can go trapshooting and we told him to be patient (he's tall for his years, but very slim), he needs more meat on the bones, and a tad bigger ones:) Last year we got him a small shotgun, but as small as it was, it was still too big... but this year - things have changed.

Last Friday we all went to the range and the young one had the time of his life, as you can see from the images below. Not only he was able to handle his shotgun, he smoked targets! Moving targets!

As we were done, he wouldn't want to go home... yup, a new trap shooter was born!


  1. That is awesome - he will be able to have fun with his Dad all the time.

    1. Awesome, indeed - and we can all have fun, I compete as well :)

  2. Wow! Loved the movie! I could see the pride in your husband's face! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Patti - yeah, coach waited for a long time for mini-coach to be ready :)
      Thanks for watching!

  3. How amazing to get Dad time! Stop by my blog - I have a surprise for you

    1. Thank you - and... thank you!! :) That's a beautiful surprise, indeed


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