
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bead Soup #6 - the Final party!

The 3rd reveal is here - and the largest! Can you believe I only visited a handful of participants in the previous 2 reveals (I have serious good reasons for that, unfortunately)? I will remedy this in the next couple of days (most probably weeks, we're talking 400 beautiful designs here).

If you'd like to see what Tania (my partner in crime this time) and I made (for the 1st reveal) - you can read all about it here.

Blog Soup Party: Glass by Tania Tebbit, sterling silver, wire wrapping: Sunset on the Beach :: All pretty Things
If you'd like to see what everybody else made, you have many options:

There is Tanya's effort to add everything together on one website (beautifully done, thank you, Tanya - that in itself is a huge amount of work)

Bead Soup Party - Summer 2012

There are the lists themselves from Lori's site (she manually changed the links to the actual reveals - another heroic effort, thank you, Lori!!)

Bead Soup Party - 1st Reveal

Bead Soup Party - 2nd Reveal

There is also a Pinterest board for all of us:

Pinterest Blog Soup Party Board

There is so much beauty - I hope you'll enjoy all the creativity!


  1. Pretty pieces, Alicia. I, too, missed most of the first two reveals, but I'm slowly making my way through #3.

    By the way, congrats on winning last week's bead give-away from Magpie.

  2. I've been sporadically visiting sites. Not sure I will ever get through all 400, but I'ma gonna try. I love your creations. Pretty, pretty, pretty!

  3. Foarte frumoase !
    Mai ales că sunt din sticlă-altă mare slăbiciune a mea, pe acelaşi loc cu ceramica. La ambele mi se pare fascinant modul de prelucrare, de colorare, atât de laborios, de dificil--vezi sticla, la care se lucrează la nişte temperaturi greu de suportat şi cu viteză, iar la ceramică--lutul bun se obţine cu multă muncă... Şi la ambele, produsul finit e atât de frumos şi atât de fragil dar, pe de altă parte , sfidează mileniile !


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate and love to read your comments!