
Friday, August 24, 2012

Free Beads for Blogging

Now this is a concept! Tanya from Fusion Muse is a true phylantropic soul - she decided to have an on-going 'Free Beads for Blogging' event. What's that? You sign-up, if you get lucky you're being picked - you receive beads and you have to blog about them and what you make out of them.

Isn't that great! Yes, it is - and I signed up today for the current bead set.

Wish me luck!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - go put your name in too :) It's fun!

  2. Got my beads a while ago, and almost finished with the creations I did with them. You are going to enjoy this one!

    1. First I need to 'win' my spot :) Yes - it's your blog where I got the idea from! Thanks :)

  3. Yes, this looks like great fun, doesn't it? Kashmira from Sadafulee blogged about Tanya's give-away last month. I think when I get caught up in my other commitments I will give it a try, too.

    Alicia, did you happen to see the post a couple days ago on AJE about sharing our "early mistakes"? It's been a hoot, and it's not to late to take part (it's a very fast and fun blog hop). About a dozen have already linked up, including Marlene and I. Here's the link to Jen's invitation:

    1. Oh, that's a cute one, Monique... I'll check it - thanks for letting me know! :)


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