
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh, my, where did the summer go?

August is gone and with it the summer. Yes, the days are still hot, but nights are already cooling down seriously. I haven't managed much extra work past few weeks, nevertheless posting anything - and I miss it! But one can't go with less than 5 hours of sleep a day, and that's what I am averaging right now and will continue for a little while, as it looks like.

With high hopes that my life will calm down (actually the hopes are that I will manage to clean the room we have in the attic and I can transfer my crafty life from downstairs upstairs and have some decent space) I have entered 2 more challenges.

From Lisa @ Pine Ridge Treasures comes the Holiday Floral Blog Hop with a simple idea: from Lisa's own floral de-stash we will create Bling and Beauty, just in time for the Holidays! I have been toying with the Lucite flowers idea for a long time, and when Lisa mentioned this blog hop I figured out this is my opportunity to try it for sure :)

So here you are - a new challenge to add to my list and a way to keep the summer alive in the winter!

Please visit with me and the rest of the team.


  1. Eh, timpul ăsta ...Pentru unii nu e niciodată destul , şi m-am întrebat cum de unii se plictisesc ?! De când mă ştiu, nu ştiu să mă fi plictisit vreodată, ba dincontră, parcă niciodată nu mi-a ajuns !
    Ştiu că nu (prea) ai ce face , dar atenţie la cele 4-5 ore de somn/zi, să nu se supere organismul !
    Oricum, succes la treburi şi o toamnă frumoasă !
    Pe aici, a venit toamna doar după calendar, după aspectul a tot ce e verde, care deja arată ca la început de noiembrie (seceta şi-a spus rău cuvântul , totul e ars, ruginit) şi după frigul de peste noapte, dar ziua e o vară în toată regula, ceea ce, pe de o parte, e plăcut -- e soare ,cald, purtăm haine de vară-- dar , pe de altă parte, ne dă coşmaruri: seceta se prelungeşte , cu toate necazurile ce decurg de aici.
    Să sperăm în vremuri şi vreme mai bună ...

  2. Thanks, Alicia for posting about the Floral Holiday Blog Hop! It's going to be fun! Hope you can get you craft stuff upstairs and that things calm down a little for you.


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