My life seems to get into some sort of order now that school has started. Unfortunately - my free time is still MIA, if you find it, please send it back home, I miss it dearly!

The child is getting into a rhythm - somewhat unhappy there isn't enough time to play, but not as angry as he used to be about it. He seems to grow up and accept that every morning we receive a gift of 86,400 seconds and every evening we hand the balance in, only to start from scratch tomorrow. His new teacher is very disciplined and she sent home more homework for me than for him (I'm only half-joking: while he needs to do the actual work, I never do it for him, I have tons of papers to sign, initial, check and what not). I like it - because I see exactly what is he learning; but if you knew how many papers I sign every day (or initial)... And the child would *not* let me forget about it - I better do it on time or he'll piston me every 10 minutes.

The rest of the household is somewhat OK too - William is helping with chores and enjoys taking care of the dogs (he finally feels comfortable walking both, he grew enough!).
The weather is cooperating too - we have a nice and warm late summer and I hope for a nice fall. Not sure what to think about the winter - my gut feeling is that we will have a harsh one. The grasshoppers have been singing since middle of August and I can't recall when I heard them singing so loudly and so many and so early before. Last night we even got an owl in the neighbourhood, and a couple of days ago a hawk came in the front yard, on our tree branch, chasing a squirrel. It sounds like the wild animals are hungry or getting ready for the winter... I told hubby to check the snow blower - just to be on the safe side :)

With the nice weather we have started again our hiking trips. We are lucky enough to live in a very nice area, by the lake shore, on the Niagara Escarpment. We all enjoy hiking and spend lots of time outdoors when the weather is nice. With school starting - during the week I take our son and go for a walk in the park / forest behind the house. We always have seeds and food for the birds and animals and our walk is almost a ritual: we walk to the park, through the houses and by the lake, we take the lake shore trail, stop right in the middle at one bench where all types of birds come: friendly and fearless chickadees, and bright red cardinals, beautiful blue jays, even doves! We spread nuts for the chipmunks (squirrels watch from the distance, but little Chip & Dales are quite brave: they even climb on the bench for more food!), hold the sunflower seeds in our palm for the little chickadees and chat in a whisper away for half an hour and more. When the chickadees are fed we continue our way to the shore, to visit the ducks and geese and the swans. This is the first year when the swans came for food! I can tell you one thing: they are big :) We continue up on the path and through the forest, chatting and talking about everything... a nice moment of respiro and recharging. We get home hungry and properly tired, just in time for dinner, reading, and bed.

![Aren't we pretty? [All Pretty Things] Aren't we pretty? [All Pretty Things]](
Soon we will start our driving trips - there are some places we go every year when the leaves change colour; did you know we live close-by where the Windows Fall wallpaper picture has been taken?! I love driving there this time of the year!
Photograph by Peter K. Burian/Corbis |
Your nature routine is so inspiring and lovely :-) That peaceful time together, experiencing wildlife and nature, is something your son will always remember. It must be beautiful seeing that Fall Wallpaper in person, walk down that road, leave crunching underfoot. Your pictures are wonderful of all the little woodland friends :-) We fear a harsh winter too. If we watch and listen to the animals, they seem to be telling us it will be a doozy!