
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


After getting back from vacation I got swamped with work, work, and more work. Because that wasn't enough - we have decided to change the flooring into the office. While cleaning it to make room to take the furniture off - I finally had enough and re-organized William's room. The side-effect to both these actions is that now I can get into the attic room (we have one of those picture-like rooms in the attic, the reason *I* wanted the house) and make it my arts and crafts room. Which it kind of was anyhow - my painting supplies are there, and the sewing machine, and the scrap booking items. Now it will be my official arts room.

But I digress! This post is about the child's room.

When we bought the house we knew it's small and we'll have to do something about it eventually, but for 8 years it was enough. Now - the Lego is spilling everywhere, forts are made in the living room and William's room is always looking like the hurricane just left it. A trip to IKEA a week ago decided what's happening next: for the first time in said 8 years the kid really saw the bunk bed! He was jumping up and down with joy: this is what he needs. A family council and a few trips to various stores later we brought home lots of pieces of furniture and accessories.

We spent Thursday evening building the bed, Friday morning building the desks and bookshelves, Saturday re-building the bookshelves and sorting through 3 former bookshelves + extra stuff (to his honour, William was decent: we put aside about 1/3 of what has been in the room, some to throw away, and some to give away), and Monday morning to accessorize it completely.

I don't have the *before* pictures (or I can't find any right now) - but this is how the room looks like currently:

William's new room :: All Pretty Things

The furniture colour is not the most inspired one - every speckle of dust is visible... 

William's new room :: All Pretty Things

The science books and games became more prominent in this approach (they were scattered over 4 shelves before; with this one long shelve approach it's easy to keep them under control - or so I hope!)

William's new room :: All Pretty Things
The piece du resistance (beside the gorgeous bunk bed): the mirrors! There is one more element not visible in this picture: along the middle beam under the bed there is a string of LED lights (to replace the light on the ceiling, unusable now). The room has a very soft lighting, and the mirrors reflect that in a very subdued way - it's really, really nice.

Or, like William put it: This is EPIC!

Apparently he likes it - every time he gets into the room he exclaims 'I really like my room!'. We are happy.

Now onto the 2 offices: hubby's den and my attic space. Wish me luck - I need it badly :)


  1. Great job! Hope William gave you both BIG hugs!

  2. We are debating a very similar arrangement in my daughter's itty bitty room. She has completely outgrown it and the only way to giver her more space is by raising the bed. This looks great! It must be a cool place for him to hang out!

    1. Christine, what I can tell you is that I would move into his room if I could :) The bed is a tad to close to the ceiling right now, we'll have to talk to the frame in a few years and shorthen its legs! Good luck with your daughter's room.

  3. I love the idea behind IKEA... can't say anything about the products as I live too far from a store (kids are mostly gone anyway). I don't know if you've seen this cool site, Alicia.

    Love those off-the-ground bed groupings for the extra work/play space they create. Your son will be so organized, if he ever moves to Japan, he'll be ready to move into one of those tiny closets they call apartments, without claustrophobia LOL.

    1. Haha, Monique - we were just talking he needs a Japaneese wife (he *loves* Sushi and Miso soup), now you're absolutely right, he'll be ready for the claustrophobic spaces they have there!
      He is quite organized - it was just not enough space or too many things. We solved both issues :) Plus - he really needed his own study space, working in the kitchen is not always fun. Thanks for the site, I'll check it!

  4. How fun! We've been in our house for about 9 years and it is time to do something with both the kids rooms. IKEA just might make some sense!

    1. IKEA is not what it used to be, but it's still the best value for your money. We like the European style too, and they have the best furniture for organizing!

  5. I love how the room looks.. Great job!!!

  6. Cool room Alicia, and your son loves it, so that is all that matters. I wish they had those kind of beds when I was a kid.

  7. Such an awesome room
    good job for sure


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