
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where were you? [2]

I tried to warn you the day will stay with me for a while.

Yesterday, in the emotions of writing the post, I forgot the song... Actually I forgot many things (usually when I spell-check my posts there are a couple of mistakes, here and there - in yesterday's post I found a paragraph where I hardly had one word spelled correctly!).

Anyhow, here it is - with Alan's warm voice and no-nonsense attitude.

Faith, Hope, and Love are some great things He gave us
And the greatest is Love!


  1. Thank you for sharing this song video, Alicia. I may be the last person in North America who had not heard of it before today. I rarely listen to music radio (and I'm not a country fan), so while I have "heard of" Alan Jackson, I doubt I could name any songs of his.

    As an outsider, I must say this is what country music does best, IMHO: honest and straightforward telling of story and emotion, that anyone can relate to. This song is just that.

    What was I doing that day? Getting ready to go to my little "job" at our local elementary school. And doing what I always do when I hear of tragedy anywhere in the world... Praying for ALL the victims, especially the forgotten ones. (Alicia, you read my blog from August, so you know what I'm talking about.)

  2. Tears rolling down my cheeks all over again.


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