I love colour, but I tend to be quite mono-chromatic in my designs (comfort in the known, probably :)) So when I received my 2 choices I had a moment of 'now what?' Not one to quit easily - and definitely not because something is hard - I kept looking at my 2 pictures.
Wondering what they are?
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Chilean Volcanoes |
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Okavango Delta |
Like Erin, I decided to take the whole matter in my hands - delegating to the muse was definitely not working. In fairness, I have tried something with copper, only to figure out copper will not work well into any of the above pallets! Back to the drawing board: in a desperate moment I simply upside-downed a box and... I found it! From that moment everything went in a jiffy, I made a piece for each palette - in almost no time at all!
What I found? A shell... not any shell, of course, but a Paua Abalone in the exact same colours as the Okavango Delta! Once I had the focal I was able to pair it with some neat freshwater pearls in off-white, aqua, and a deep pink-brownish (not sure how to qualify that colour).
This is my take on the Okavango Delta:
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Okavango Delta: Abaolne, freshwater pearls, sterling silver, OOAK necklace |
I love the feel of it - it wears beautifully too (I wore it yesterday and I had people telling me how beautiful it is :)) I was thinking maybe to make a 'beaded' necklace for it, from the freshwater pearls, as I am not sure I like the cluster that much (I like it, just not on top of my Abalone :))
Once I had the Okavango Delta being taken care of - I was on a roll and kept going through the same box... until I came up with a pack of mixed ceramic beads. I received them in a box from my sister in law, all sorts of little mix and un-matched beads. Back then - I just sort everything in containers... it was such a container I picked up now - and I used all of them, except for 3 very green beads that would not match the Chilean Volcanoes palette.
This is my take on the Chilean Volcanoes:
Chilean Volcanoes: ceramic beads, sterling silver, wire wrapped necklace |
I don't know about you - but I just love this one! The colours are simply perfectly matching the image: with the off-white and grey and earth-brown, and just a splash of blue here and there!
What did I learn from this challenge? Two things:
- If your muse took vacation - get to work, you'll figure it out eventually
- Do not be afraid of colour - embrace it!
Now I would like to thank Erin for including me in her wonderful challenge: it was an eye opening for me (in a very good sense) and I enjoyed it very, very much! Oh, and I made sure to follow Miss Erin's rule #1: I truly had fun!
Please make sure you visit the participants:
Our beautiful host: Erin Prais-Hintz http://treasures-found.
Rebecca Anderson http://songbeads.blogspot.com
Kris Auderer http://strandedinthecity.
Chrizette Bayman http://beadsoupmix.blogspot.
Lori Bowring Michaud http://artfullyornamental.
Courtney Breul http://beadsbybreul.blogspot.
Lynsey Brooks http://
Stephanie Buss http://maxandlucie.blogspot.
Iveth Caruso http://www.creativeatelier.
Shannon Chomanczuk http://www.
Lisa Cone http://inspiredadornments.
Cece Cormier http://thebeadingyogini.com
Lori Dorrington http://lorisglassworks.
Dawn Doucette http://designsbydawnmarie.
Jeannie Dukic http://site.jkdjewelry.com/
Kim Dworak http://cianciblue.blogspot.
Beth Emery http://storiesbyindigoheart.
Janice Everett http://JLynnJewels.blogspot.
Pam Farren http://www.re-maker.blogspot.
Donetta Farrington http://simplygorgeous-
Gloria Ferrer http://judetaama.blogspot.
Cherrie Fick http://designsinthelight.co
Therese Frank http://www.
Patty Gasparino http://www.mylifeunderthebus.
Tanya Goodwin http://pixiloo.blogspot.com/
Ambra Gostoli http://chicandfrog.wordpress.
Jess Green http://tabbiekoshka.blogspot.
Denielle Hagerman http://
Mary Harding www.
Karla Hartzog http://www.karlakrafts.com
Kim Hora http://www.kimmykats.com
Brandi Hussey http://brandigirlblog.com
Emanda Johnson http://ArtemisiaStudio.
Jennifer Justman http://soulsfiredesigns.
Sue Kennedy http://suebeads.blogspot.com
Ema Kilroy http://emakaye.blogspot.com
Lee Koopman http://Stregajewellry.
Linda Landig http://www.LindasBeadBlog.com
Kirsi Luostarinen http://kirsiluokorut.
Cynthia Machata http://antiquitytravelers.
Alicia Marinache http://www.allprettythings.ca <= You are here
Beth McCord http://www.
Mary K McGraw http://mkaymac.blogspot.com/
Karen Mitchell http://www.overthemoon-
Cheri Mitchell-Reed http://
Aimee Moisa http://threecatsdancing.
Karla Morgan http://www.texaspepperjams.
Penny Neville http://copperpennydesigns.
Becky Pancake http://
Kashmira Patel http://sadafulee.blogspot.com
Alice Peterson http://alice-dreaming.
Kayla Potega http://www.teejewelry.
Debbie Price http://greenshoot.blogspot.
Bobbie Rafferty http://beadsong.blogspot.com
Caron Reid http://caronmichelle.
Nicole Rennell http://nicolerennell.com/blog
Cynthia Riggs http://cynthsblog.blogspot.
Andrea Ross http://silvermapledesigns.
Sally Russick http://thestudiosublime.com
Annie Scherz http://www.studioluma.ca
Pam Sears http://crazycreativecorner.
Renetha Stanziano http://lamplightcrafts.
Sandra Stein http://sannipanni.wordpress.
Kristen Stevens http://kristen-beadjourney.
Tracy Stillman http://www.
Sherri Stokey http://www.knotjustmacrame.
Lola Survillo http://www.beadlolabead.
Kay Thomerson http://KayzKreationz.
Jo Tinley http://
Emma Todd http://www.apolymerpenchant.
Cory Tompkins http://www.tealwaterdesigns.
Pam Traub http://www.klassyjoolz.
Melissa Trudinger http://beadrecipes.wordpress.
Michelle Tucker http://
Shelley Graham Turner http://www.
Monique Urquhart http://ahalfbakednotion.
Rachel Van-Walsk http://balancedcrafts.com/
Patti Vanderbloemen http://www.
Lesley Watt http://thegossipinggoddess.
Lynn White http://lynnwhitejewelry.com/
Joan Williams http://www.lilrubyjewelry.com