
Sunday, November 11, 2012

May we never forget

Last year I wrote about a special moment on Remembrance Day... a moment I would like to recall and share again with you, because it is one of those moments worth re-living.

I hope you will wear your poppy or upon meeting a soldier or a veteran you will treat them with respect! May we never forget their sacrifices!


Yes, I am a bit obsessed with this day - why? would you ask.

My grandfather, a WWII soldier :: All Pretty Things
My grandfather on the front lines in WWII
His job was to measure the cannons'
Well - the answer is simple: my grandfather fought in WWII and while I didn't hear one peep from him about how it was I still have his decorations and I still remember the look on his face when he heard a military patriotic song not very long before he passed away (I already wrote about that moment here).

To add to that - as you already know - I grew up under a communist regime and I have a deep respect for freedom; a respect one that has never encounter any real restrictions will never quite understand.

With these 2 thoughts in mind I left this morning to watch my son's school assembly for Remembrance Day. I knew it will be an emotional time - the teacher in charge with the preparations is always finding a way to shutter your inner, he's absolutely amazing. He started the assembly with a song that I love: A pittance of Time by Terry Kelly and immediately after he announced we have a surprise visit, from a real veteran - then proceeded to introduce the grandfather of one of the children (or maybe one of the parents - I just couldn't focus on words once I saw the gentleman) {a couple of day after, when I was able to talk about the day without crying like a madwoman, I found out: the gentleman is living in the nursery where one of my son's colleague's mom is working - she asked for permission to bring him in for the special assembly} which came in, all dressed up in uniform and lots of decorations.

It is very hard for me to explain or express the emotions that I encountered that moment - I was able to watch the rest of the program (the children of all grades read poems, some written by themselves; or sang songs)... however at the end we were able to approach the gentleman and free to talk to him as well. That's the moment I completely lost my fight with composure - I tried hard, but I simply could not shake the feeling that this could have been my grandfather, whom I haven't seen in over 25 years and I miss dearly. Add to that the notion that my grandfather would have been 100 this year and you have a wonderful mix. {It is a year later and when I remember the day I start crying... for those who know me, they know I rarely do cry, I am not an emotional person - this moment just touched deeply} I don't know what the veteran might have thought of the crazy woman crying, I don't even know if I was able to mutter the words 'Thank you!'. I hope he knows I do appreciate his sacrifice and all veterans' and soldiers' sacrifices each day when they are away fighting wars.

I hope that I will be able to instill in my own son the respect for freedom and for all fighters for freedom - without him having to go through harder times than current ones.

God bless our vets and troops - we will remember! Thank you!


  1. Oh Alicia .. you got me all teary on this one! You must have had a special relationship with your grandfather. I know I did - mine was such a wonderful, kind hearted and simple man.

    Freedom is such a gift, and an amazing sacrifice from those that serve our countries

    1. Oh, Cynthia - you should have seen me on Friday (at this year's assembly)! They brought the nice gentleman back, and another veteran too... This time I had lots of tissue, I went prepared!

      Freedom is the best gift of all, indeed...
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a beautiful must have been hard to write, with all the emotions surging inside. I read the post about your Grandfather and the song too. Music can always bring us back to "that place". It pulled him right back to it.


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