
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


*** Reminder: the Auction for Charm Swap 2012 (all proceeds go to Beads of Courage organization) is still on: there are 56 adorable charms!

Back in September I submitted some of my work to Denise Peck, Editor of Step by Step Wire Magazine. I chose this magazine because it seems the most suitable for my current work: lots of wire, and slowly introducing metal.

Submitting your work is in itself a wrecking process: you self-doubt yourself a lot and while you (im)patiently wait for an answer you need to develop some thick skin, just in case. I was fortunate enough to have Denise liking my chainmaille capture, the 'Caught You!' necklace. A few more back-and-forth and she decided to publish it, maybe in the December issue of the magazine.

Having the crazy life I chose for myself and my family I promptly forgot about it (I function on a mental checklist: if I check something off my list, I discard it automatically!)...

Until Saturday evening when lovely Patti sent me a note on Facebook - saying she just received the magazine and congratulating me for the necklace being published! I was speechless - I have just been to the bookstore and no December issue of the magazine is on stands yet here! [I checked again Sunday & Monday - nothing yet].

It is such a nice and surreal feeling: to know something you made with love is being loved enough by someone else too! Enough to be put on paper in a specialty magazine. The moment is still surreal (and it will stay that way until I can hold the magazine in my hand :)), but at the same time it gave me a push and a boost.... which means I will have some new items to show you soon. I must take pictures before the weekend, so look for them early next week, it's a lot, and I love most of them :)

Since I have no copy of the magazine - I will leave you with the picture I sent:

'Caught you!' - chainmaille capture in silver & jade (necklace) :: All Pretty Things
'Caught you!' - chainmaille capture in silver & jade


  1. Congrats Alicia~how exciting!!! I bet you cannot wait to hold the magazine in your hands :-D "Caught You" is such a unique beauty.

  2. That pendant is one of my favourite of your designs, Alicia. Elegant in simplicity! Congrats on being featured. How frustrating to not have your copy in your hands yet!

  3. Hi Alicia,
    Congratulations on being published. I have always loved your "Caught You" pendant. I will be on the look out for this mag at the stores so I can purchase one just because you are in it,

  4. My o my! Alicia I am so excited for you. I could feel your emotions from your writing. It must be surreal. The piece is beautiful and very stylish. I am going to look for this issue and shout out that this is a piece by my friend. Keep up the good work. YOU ARE PUBLISHED1 Love Dita.


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