
Friday, January 11, 2013

Focusing on life: Week 2 (The Word)

Last week I discovered a new 'challenge' so-to-speak, on Sally Russick's blog: The Studio Sublime. In Sally's words: "For 52 weeks, one photo a week we will capture a moment in our life."

This is not an opportunity to pass - I am a total believer in capturing moments; so I signed up. I am still working on week one (self-portrait), because being sick makes for an ugly close-up :) but I'll figure it out one of these days.

For the 2nd week we are supposed to take a picture of our 'word'. What's "the word", you'll ask? You know how on New Year's day people make resolutions? [which they promptly fail at in the next 6 weeks, on average]. Some people figured out a "word" will work better than resolutions. You choose a word that will be your focus that year. One word - easier to focus that way.

Well - it turns out I had troubles picking up a word. I went from "journey" to "adventure" to "focus" to what-not... wasn't happy with any of them... I kept coming back to a few pictures I took during the holidays and I realize that's my word, I was looking at it and it was staring me in the face.

I herby declare may 2013 word to be: Bloom. I want to focus on blooming: myself, my relationships with family and loved ones, my studio, my art, my work, my horizon: bloom!

Focus on life: Bloom! pure, beauty :: All Pretty Things

Bloom into a pure life: free of false constraints and full of beauty!

Focus on life: Bloom! elegant, rich, exotic :: All Pretty Things

Bloom into an elegant life: rich in details, with exotic curves and colours!

Focus on life: Bloom! delicate, nurturing, balance, grace :: All Pretty Things

Bloom into a delicate life: one that needs nurturing like my African Violets do, and one that will return that nurturing million-times fold: with perfect balance and grace!

Focus on life: Bloom! bold, ephemeral, large, strong :: All Pretty Things

Bloom into a bold life: ephemeral, while large and strong!

There you have it: my word for 2013 is ~BLOOM~

Thank you, Sally, for this excellent challenge: I enjoy it so much! And for you, my visitor - if you'd like to check everyone else's word for the year, please visit Sally's blog and check the links at the bottom: The Studio Sublime: Focus on life, Week 2


  1. Love it! Love how many different ways one little word can guide us!

  2. Gorgeous word and very gorgeous photos!!
    May 2013 be full of rich bloomings for you...
    I'm no. 21 on the list btw :)

  3. This is an EXCELLENT word! And your captions for each of the pictures are spot on, too. I hope you are feeling better!

  4. Beautiful post and word! And such an innovative way to use the word for your inspiration! LOVE it, and hope that 2013 blooms for you!!

  5. Bloom is a great word...Facing the the light and reaching out for all the nourishment you can so you can expand...awesome shots too!!

  6. I love the word you chose! And what great photos! I hope you get well soon so you can begin using your word.

  7. Beautiful images! And a wonderful word and elegant description. Long may you bloom.

  8. The word bloom brings with it feelings of growth and beauty. Your photos certainly captured that. It's a great word and those are amazing photos.

  9. Would that we could all bloom like your beautiful photos! Great word, and stunning photos!

  10. What a beautiful word! Perhaps that will be one that would benefit me next year. I wish you well blooming into your best self!

  11. What a beautiful word indeed!! And perfect shots to capture all the ways you will bloom into this new year!! I love your word, the meanings behind it and most of all, your photos!

  12. Are the orchids yours? THis is the first time in years that I haven't had an orchid in bloom in the house. I would have much preferred an orchid to use in this weeks photographs but in the middle of winter outdoor flowers are missing! Have fun blooming this year. Love your pictures!

  13. Gorgeous images of the flowers and I think this a wonderful word for you this year!

  14. You certainly do Bloom in everything you tackle. I adore reading your posts, friend!

  15. Alicia! What a beautiful word, "BLOOM" and your photos are perfect! The blooms are so bright and bold!! Beautiful! I'm glad you didn't settle on a word but let the word unveil itself to you!

  16. Hi Alicia,
    I am going to enjoy seeing you bloom this year!

  17. Love your word. You will be reminded of your word for the year every time you see fresh, beautiful flowers!

  18. I have no doubt that you will succeed in your quest. Bloom away, my friend.

  19. That you let the word choose you is awesome! I can see how the beautiful photos did that for you. Happy blooming!

  20. Oh the perfection of flowers!! Have you ever seen some of the shots of them in UV? It's really cool, the whole other patterns that emerge just for the polinators to see. I can't remember now which flowers but they call them something like "bee guides" and it literally looked like a bunch of lines pointing at the central target. As my brain spins off to try and recall all the bio.ogy I've forgotton, let me say I think BLOOM is just a perfect word. Love all the flowers!

  21. Thank you, ladies - your words and encouragements mean a lot to me! May we all have a happy and peaceful journey this year :)

  22. I love it when our words choose us. I actually got happy chills when I read your word and saw that first beautiful pic! Bloom away, Alicia!

  23. This word will open up a world of possibilities for you Miss Alicia! I wish you joy in the journey this year! Enjoy the day. Erin

  24. I know I'm dating myself here, but back when I was desperately trying to balance a young family with work and college, I finally gave in to the quote I was fond of wearing on my sweatshirt, "bloom where you are planted" I am still fond of that quote and the deeper meaning behind it. great post


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