
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Let's party!

January is almost gone (where and when it disappeared?!) and more challenges, blog hops, parties pop in the communities I am part of.

First of all - there is Lori's big party, the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party - wait, big is not correct, elephantine this year: she has 500 participants and I don't know how is she doing it! Hats off!

She's going to announce partners soon - I am looking forward to more fun and I have already started to get some ideas of the soup - this time I will *not* leave it for the last moment, I refuse!

Then there is the fabulous and deliciously fun 'Holiday Blog Hop' - what Holiday?! will you ask? Oh, well - every day is a Holiday if you pay attention :) Marlene and Shelley did (pay attention) and they came up with a long list of possible picks. To stir things up, I have added my own - which will be a surprise for my partner, fellow Canadian Sandra McG :)

For this one you'll have to come back on March 16th - to see what have Sandra surprised me with, and what my personal pick of a holiday was :)

There is the blog hop in memory of Tanya, Love and Light: it's going to be a small, but nice gathering. If you knew her and would like to make a piece in her memory, the sign-ups are still open:

There is the ongoing Focusing on Life: Sally is amazing at picking up subjects - I love this challenge more and more... and more... Every Saturday we meet at Sally's and we share bits and pieces of our lives and ourselves. Come visit us, it's a cozy place: warm and inviting, with splendid conversations and amazing photography.

Another good-for-your-soul challenge is happening this Saturday, February 2nd: the 'Inspire Change: Wellness Words'. I thought I am done - but I realized I want to do something else (or more?!) - anyhow, please come by this Saturday - if you have time for only one blog hop this week, this is the one! What could be better than beauty for wellness?!

Come party with us - there will be lots and lots of fun!

P.S. If you know of more interesting challenges / swaps / parties, please share! I am always on the look for more, as they seem to channel my creativity into positive territory :)

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