
Friday, March 22, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 12

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

This week the prompt was... Observe the Curves.

“In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves.” ~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton 

We move, live and love in curves. Arms, legs and bodies curve to propel us into the life around us. Branches of trees curve to embrace the breeze. Letters curve and form words. Curves can keep things apart, hold things together or create a path. This week take a moment to focus on all the different kinds of curves that surround you everyday.

We are, indeed, surrounded by curves and it will be hard to imagine life without.

To mind came a funny memory about our first house. It was brand new and it wasn't even built when we bought it - so we chose every little detail ourselves. It was fun, but tiring at times - especially when hubby and I could not agree on colours :) But still - more fun than tiring. I had this idea of rounding all the corners (I tend to bump into corners a lot and it hurts most of the time) - and in doing so we wouldn't pay anything extra, so rounded wall corners we had.

In the wall next to the stairs the model had a niche made out of 9 square niches (a 3 by 3 square). It was beautiful and when the house was done it became my favourite place to put all sorts of little pretty things :)

We visited the house almost every day as it was built - and one day we were chatting with the painter. He commented something along the lines of 'I don't know why the builder started to make these round corners now!'. We asked him why - and he explained: the person who put the drywall was swearing out loud the day before: the way to make the walls round is to add a special edge to the drywall. On the normal walls - that's fine - cut a length of edge, attach it, move on (and if you look around you'll see that, in fact, very few walls will have an edge without a door frame :) ). For the 9 niches - he had to cut (at angle), match, and attache 9*4 little edges, then finish them all. Needless to say - he had to work much harder for the same money.

Since I don't have a picture of my special niches - I am sorry now that I realize it! - I started to look around for curves. I thought of the door knobs - but they didn't tell me any story... so I had to pass. Flowers - I've drowned you in flowers (and there is more to come :) ). Jewelry - I have nothing new, well, I have... but not "show-able" yet.

Without any ideas on what I will do about it we went out - we had promised William to take him to a Laser Tag place. I let the boys go in and I sat to read in a cacophony of sounds. Mind went wondering and eyes stopped on this:

Focus on Life: Week 12: Obverse the Curves: Laser Tag outing :: All Pretty Things

There are my curves! The carpet in the game room :)

And these are my boys - proudly showing their scores (if we are patient enough we'll see lots of curves in this picture too)

Focus on Life: Week 12: Obverse the Curves: Laser Tag outing :: All Pretty Things

Thanks for stopping by - I hope you had lots of fun this week! And remember to observe all the curves of this week's challenge, they are all gathered at Miss Sally's :)


  1. What wild and crazy curves in that game room and what wonderful curves in the scores,

  2. Now I totally want to see your house! I'm wondering about all those curves you wanted put in :) I bet it is lovely

  3. I love the curves in the carpet. Isn't it fun to fun stuff like that?

  4. Fantastic! I love the curves you found:)

  5. It's in the every day moments that we are finding the opportunities to focus on life and looks like you did at the Laser Tag!

  6. Alicia, You are very dedicated in building your home. I have always been overwhelmed by all those choices. Love your laser tag pic. I remember when my step-son was much younger, we took him to laser tag and he got a migraine! Looks like your fellows fared much better!

  7. I really want to see your curved corners. That is a great idea and I bet it looks awesome. Like you, though, I would never have thought about the poor drywallers. I'm sure the extra effort was worth it, though. :)

  8. lol. I was really scared reading your post. Having seen the thumbnail and reading about your home I kept telling myself... no, this can't be something in her home, no... I just knew this couldn't be. hehe glad to hear it was lasertag! Much more appropriate there. We got to choose all our interior and I did make some choices I'm still quite proud of.

  9. I love the story of the curved corners! It's amazing how we really are focusing on our life with these prompts. The carpet is perfect!

  10. Lovely memories about your first home. These prompts are making us work aren't they? I do love the colors and shapes in the carpet. Very fun and vibrant!

  11. Oh, your boys are sweethearts! So fun you found your curves at laser tag! Enjoyed reading about the teacher/ builder, and your warm and rich memories. Thanks, Alicia!

  12. Can't read the results but I'm sure your son won... I never even come close to my son when we're playing anything computer realted! I've never got to live in a house that I built.. I've lived through renovations... actually I feel like I've spent the last 24 years of my life living in a construction zone!

  13. I want to see your house, too! I have lived in my current home for almost 12 years. It was new construction, and I visited every weekend and have a photo journal of the progress - which means absolutely nothing to anyone but me! I knew exactly what you were talking about in your niche, as I have a small one, too! That is some wild carpet - and a perfect picture for today's prompt! PS - your boys are sweeties!

  14. Curves are so much more comfortable than hard least, that is what I tell my husband!! lol...I would love to have seen your house too...and that it was more fun than tiring picking out the details that you were going to live with...beautiful colors on your rug...

  15. Alicia you found some interesting curves this week.

  16. Would love to have seen your house with all those curves...I bet it was really special...but I LOVE that carpet! Beautiful curves!

  17. Now that's a carpet! Pretty. Love your story.. and love curves in walls too!

  18. I would love to see the pictures of your niche. Poor drywall guy! What a fun post.

  19. I am so sad you have no pictures of the rounded corners - THEY SOUND WONDERFUL! Maybe because I tend to walk into things. :) Great post.

  20. I enjoyed your recounting of your special specs for the house you had built. Great curves for this challenge.

  21. Note to self: no psychedelic, multi-coloured, abstract shapes, wild carpets for my house. Wow, that would give me a headache to look at it all the time. LOL Perfect for the game room at the laser tag place though.

  22. Oh my Alicia, What we put skilled labor through just for our liking, but I totally understand not wanting to have a sharp corner to run into. Love the bright carpet with all the curves. Congratulations to your guys on their scores.

  23. Curves really ARE everywhere, aren't they! I bet the curves of the walls in your home were perfect! Love that carpet - very wild and full of curves!

  24. Oh now I really want to see your home. There is a house here in Tacoma that I have been in love with for year because it has a round room on each corner.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate and love to read your comments!