
Friday, April 12, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 15

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

This week the prompt was... Aged Beauty

Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think I am cheating (a bit) as I am not presenting you anything vintage or antique (God knows I could!) - I have a good reason for this: I did the taxes :) I am so happy, but by the time I was done - the light won't do justice to my aged beauties...

But I found a special beauty somewhere, in an old photograph - about 30 years old (maybe a little bit more):

Pure joy: the lambs :: All Pretty Things

My brother and I with the lambs - I must find a place to get William to hold newly born lambs... or any new born animals, for that matter. Look at the smiles on our faces - I guarantee you there isn't any other thing that can bring you happiness and pure joy as quickly and as natural as new born life!

It is my way of sharing beauty, indeed well aged :)

Please make sure you visit the rest of the group, gathered, as usual, at Miss Sally's for a coup of tea and a nice chat. This week it's guaranteed to be beautiful!


  1. Your photo made me smile Alicia! So cute:)

    1. Thanks - I am so glad it made you smile :)

  2. a wonderful photo! and it immeditely reminded me of my childhood - i grew up in a rorual area, but not on a farm, and i sooooo wanted a lamb, as a farming friend had one! i'd go round daily to help feed it :) a lovely post - and congrats on getting your taxes done - no mean feat!!
    have a wonderful week :)
    no. 21

  3. Does your local zoo have a petting zoo? I know Edmonton did when I was growing up. (and I'm sure you know exactly how old that photo is! :) I spent last sunday doing our taxes only to discover nothing had been saved when I checked Monday morning... still trying to get back to where I ended last Sunday... sometimes I really hate computers!

  4. OH! I love this. What a great memory.

  5. what a sweet photo Alicia! and I totally agree! we had lots of kittens and actually baby chicks and we just loved to hold them!

  6. What a cool 'aged beauty' shot - love this one!! You guys do look so awfully happy, too. What fun.

  7. I want to hold one!!!!! Great memory shot.

  8. Hi Alicia,
    How cute are the four of you! I have never held a new born lamb, but I have held new born kittens and puppies.

  9. Awww. I've got goats! Lots of goats. They aren't newly born any longer but they are still kids. New ones coming in August....

  10. What a treasure of a picture. It is amazing how pictures evoke such great memories in us.

  11. Lucky you! I'm still working on my taxes. Taking periodic breaks to go blog surfing along the way! :)

    Fun photo - the four of you all look so happy. From your comment I'm guessing your family didn't raise sheep, but you went somewhere to see them?

  12. Fantastic photo. I'm sure it brought you many happy memories.

  13. Love it Alicia...what a great photograph to have as a memory. :-)


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