
Friday, July 5, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 27 ~ Texture

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

The prompt for the week as 'focus on how things feel'.

It might seem cheating - but I actually got to feel the 'object' in the next pictures. Not this week, some long time ago when I was climbing the mountains back in Romania (something we did every summer!) - I still remember that day when we were on the mountain crest, a thin trail going just on top, with 2 deep drops on each side (we are talking 9,000 ft or 3,000 m height here!). And out of the blue a cloud dropped on us.

Now the problem was two-folded: one: we couldn't see a thing, and two: on that trail when the rain starts you better get off the trail in no time (lightning anyone?!). We did get off the trail as quickly as we safely could (not before being drenched to skin, though) and we lived to tell this story :)

You're probably asking yourself what does that have to do with texture. Well - here it is:

Focus on Life ~ Texture (Clouds through the Appalachians) :: All Pretty Things

Driving through the Pennsylvania mountains we got through a couple of storms... and out of one - these beauties

Focus on Life ~ Texture (Clouds through the Appalachians) :: All Pretty Things

Have you ever 'felt' a cloud? It's interesting - it feels like you breath water, pure water :)

Focus on Life ~ Texture (Clouds through the Appalachians) :: All Pretty Things

Focus on Life ~ Texture (Clouds through the Appalachians) :: All Pretty Things

Do you see the baby in the 2nd last cloud? or the girl in the last cloud? Maybe you see something else :)

Thank you for stopping by and watching the clouds with me - and please make sure you visit everybody else. We are gathered at Miss Sally's as we share our textures this week.


  1. How thrilling (?), exhilarating (?), exciting (?)
    Beautiful shots of the clouds.

  2. I totally see the baby - puffing out a smoke ring ?! tisk tisk. What gorgeous pictures, I am not crazy about heights (except that one time my bestie made me parasail) so I doubt I will ever touch a cloud but I sure enjoyed picturing you do it :)

  3. great cloud pics and an interesting take on texture - I've never felt a cloud before...
    have a blessed week :)

  4. Gorgeous photos - feeling a cloud is now on my bucket list!


  5. Ah, yes I used to drive through clouds when I worked at a college at a higher elevation. Even in the car, you can "feel" them.

  6. I like making clouds isnto objects and watch them transform... have you ever seen cloud photographs using stop time photography...? It's really neat!

  7. PS I live in fog I believe fog is just low clouds... they are cold and nasty!

  8. I've never touched a cloud, but as children we used to wonder what it would be like to walk among them!

  9. First, I'm so impressed that you climbed this huge mountain. And also impressed that you got to touch a cloud!!! How amazing.

  10. I love clouds too and often take pics of them. Very nice.

  11. I always wanted to be able to touch clouds. I saw one this past week after the rain and it looked so low to the ground that I could just reach out and grab it. Wish I could have....

  12. I do enjoy looking up at the clouds, but don't think I would like one dropping down on me at the top of a mountain! Great photos!

  13. That's an interesting perspective Alicia. Your photos are great. I would never have thought of touching clouds.

  14. Great photos and take on feeling, I used to as I was growing up and off and on looked up at clouds and imagined lots of stuff. I have touched clouds when there is an inversion. But, then I have also been "touched" by lightning (not a good experience) Have a great week. D

  15. I always like to hear what people see in clouds, as I have never been very good at it. Love your clouds this wek.

  16. Great photos and equally great texture! I remember 'feeling' a cloud once and it was pretty cool!


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