
Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer days (with a smile and a sweet breakfast)

Summer has been upon us for a little while now. In our family we are all tanned and tired from the crazy summer days. After the super-scorching days of last week we had the super-freak storm on Friday (remember the cedar branch I was telling you it almost fell on me?! we've discovered it was actually one of the cedar trees - it simply snapped in two!)... so on Sunday it was a perfect day to go...

Picking raspberries at Hutchinson Farm, Burlington :: All Pretty Things

 ... picking raspberries! Yes - it was cloudy, not very hot, with a pleasant breeze - perfect day!

Picking raspberries at Hutchinson Farm, Burlington :: All Pretty Things

We went to Hutchinson Farm, one of the 'Pick-your-own' farms in the area - and we filled 2 baskets quite quickly (despite their warning that picking is very slow due to the storm blowing away most of the berries):

Picking raspberries at Hutchinson Farm, Burlington :: All Pretty Things

We ended up with about 8 pounds (after cleaning)... so we continued our work and...

Making Raspberries Jam (ducleata de zmeura) :: All Pretty Things

This is the golden 'life' of our raspberry confiture - the sugar syrup

Making Raspberries Jam (ducleata de zmeura) :: All Pretty Things

Add the fruits...

Making Raspberries Jam (ducleata de zmeura) :: All Pretty Things

Wait for it... wait for it...

Making Raspberries Jam (ducleata de zmeura) :: All Pretty Things

Oh.... almost ready... the house smells wonderful and I am so looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast: Crepes with Raspberry confiture! Oh, yes!

How are you spending your summer days?!

P.S. Last night I posted the 'mystery'  picture of the golden syrup on Facebook, asking my friends and followers what they think it might be. I had a few close encounters like 'honey', 'caramel' or 'peanut brittle before the peanuts are added' - all close enough to the real syrup.

However, the award for 'the most creative and funny answer' goes to my Canadian friend Emma from A Polymer Penchant. She insisted her final answer will be "a hippo having a caramel beer". If that is not making you smile... I don't know what would!


  1. Ok, that's more "reasonable". I posted a link for you to see I'm not totally out to lunch there really is one part with a hippo rising - your picture absolutely pulled this little childhood nugget from my brain. Not sure if you will recognize it from Canadian tv or not. Raspberries, I've never been a fan, but at least they are pretty. I eat all the blueberries - my dad would get all the raspberries and everyone was happy


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