
Friday, September 13, 2013

Adventures with patina

Summer being crazy with family and competitions, I do touch my jewelry just to put it on, very rarely to actually make something (except for the occasional challenge, to keep me active). Now, with the school on and a tad more time on my hands (where the operative word is 'tad' and is very close to nil :) but I'll take whatever I can) - I can slowly, but surely come come back.

I've placed a few orders in August and so when I got back I had 3 new things to work on:
(1) a gorgeous package from Natalie McKenna of Grubbi - withe the most wonderful sets of ceramic beads I've ever owned!
(2) an equally gorgeous package from Cynthia Machata of Antiquity Travels with a surprise you'll be able to see mid-October
(3) my sample packs from Lisa Liddy of Metal Me This! (Color Me This!) - with 12 patina bottles. Not one, not two, but twelve!

Since I can't use all at the same time (although I wish to take a few days and do nothing but create), I started with the patina - I have a small project to finish by tomorrow and it came in handy.

This is how it started:

... first a bunch of Vintaj blanks from Hobby Lobby:
Vintaj blanks (natural brass) @ Hobby Lobby :: All Pretty Things
... then a few embossing folders from above mentioned Hobby Lobby:

Vintaj Deco Emboss folder; Dragonfly Pond @ Hobby Lobby :: All Pretty Things  Vintaj Deco Emboss folder; Wildeflower vines @ Hobby Lobby :: All Pretty Things

... together with Lisa's patina they became... a colourful mess on the table:

Vintaj components embossed and patina-ed :: All Pretty Things

... we patiently waited for the 1st layer to dry out and applied a 2nd layer:

Vintaj components embossed and patina-ed :: All Pretty Things

... just in case you wonder what's what - we have a picture for that too:

Patina from Metal Me This! :: All Pretty Things

... we waited (impatiently this time) for the 2nd layer to dry out... buffed them nicely... and...

Vintaj components: embossed, patina-ed and buffed - ready for sealing :: All Pretty Things

Look at that!! I was happy with them before buffing, but after - completely and profoundly in love!

They'll become simple necklaces later today, I'll post those pictures as soon as I get them :)

Lessons learned?

  1. Read instructions *before* starting work, it'll save you some time (and energy) later :) 
  2. On brass darker colours will actually work better (since the buffed metal will be bright yellow-gold)
  3. Experiment with gusto, and if you don't like the result - just cover it with a new layer :) [can you figure out which of the components was the experimental one?!]
How was the experience?! Awesome! I love the versatility and beauty of the patina in contrast to the shiny brass. I also love the embossing part - while I also like etching (and I will be first to agree you have more choices in there... from fancy stamps to simply using a marker :) ), it wouldn't have been possible to etch all these components in the time frame I had to work with. 

What are the next steps? I need to seal the components, add a charm or two and figure out a quick way to add the neck-piece, they must be in their boxes by tomorrow morning... and they will! 


  1. Lovely Alicia~ I've been toying with buying some of Lisa Liddy's patinas. I now see how cool they are~ Thanks

  2. Splendid ! De-abia aştept să le văd după ce vor fi puse în coliere şi ce ai mai plănuit. Succes !

  3. how these are awesome Alicia! what a great job with those patinas!! Can't wait to see what you cook up with the package I sent :)

  4. Aw Alicia, what a lovely thing to say, thank you! Cheered me right up! The patina pieces look fab, I'd love to try out that embossing stuff too! xxxx

  5. Finally back where I can post! Alicia, I absolutely LOVE what you've done with Color Me This! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Alicia, thanks for sharing what you've done with Color Me This! I love it. :)


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