
Friday, September 20, 2013

Focus on life: Week 38 ~ A quiet moment

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

This week's prompt is 'A quiet moment' ~ ha! I don't think I've had one in a long time and sure not this week. Not that I've accomplished too much (and nothing of what it really mattered anyhow) - but feeling guilty that I should be doing this or that I managed to not get myself a quiet moment.

But if I would have had one it would have looked like this:

Focus on life ~ A quiet time :: beautiful orchid :: All Pretty Things

Thanks for stopping by - please make sure you check everybody else's quiet moment!

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  1. Taking time to 'smell the flowers' is such a nice quiet moment - hope you get time to do just that very soon! Awesome shot!!

  2. you always need to take time to smell the flowers (I always say)! and what a gorgeous one you have here!

  3. Lovely! Love Cynthia's comment, too. :-)

    (PS. how did you get the link code?)

  4. Orchids sure know how to take their time too. A nice role model flower. I know that feeling well, I spend way too much time feeling guilty about what I'm not doing. Someday I will learn no one is keeping score - but me!

  5. Gorgeous photo :) I loved this week's prompt :)

  6. Love orchids, mine are at home with the cats... I cam home to my favorite orchide lying potless in the laundry basket one year... the orchid still has lovely leaves but hasn't flowered since!

    1. Just a tip, don't give up on you flowerless orchid, Repot it in a smaller container, continue to feed and water it, and don't be surprised if it takes a year or so to recover.

  7. Alicia, your orchid is a beauty, and you know I get the same sense of quiet pride when one of mine bloom. Have a great day.


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