
Friday, October 11, 2013

Focus on Life: Week 41 ~ Connections

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

This week's prompt is 'Connections'. I thought hard about what to immortalize for this subject and I came back to the same one, over and over again.

By now you probably know I have a 10 year old boy. When I was his age my favourite 'toy' was... Lego. I've played Lego for as long as I can remember ~ so I never had troubles playing with the boy :) Which boy, of course, has a favourite toy: Lego. His idea of playing is dumping the 2 large bins (I mean *large*) right on the floor in the living room and start building (I am quite sure most of you are in the know when it comes with stepping on the pesky little plastic blocks... while wearing no shoes... ).

This is what he had on the floor a couple of days ago (today it's all in one pile again, I imagine the base is under some renovations... or maybe he heard about the shutdown, who knows?! :) )

Focus on Life ~ Connections: Building a world of connections through Lego with the 10 yo boy :: All Pretty Things

Connecting thousands of minuscule plastic pieces ~ into characters, or buildings, or weapons, or machines...

Focus on Life ~ Connections: Building a world of connections through Lego with the 10 yo boy :: All Pretty Things

Connecting little people with each other: in groups that are friends or foes ~ and always helped by some well trained and equally well love dogs (I am quite sure Star Wars didn't have dogs; our version of Lucas' quest to conquer the world can't miss the man's best friend!)

Focus on Life ~ Connections: Building a world of connections through Lego with the 10 yo boy :: All Pretty Things

Connecting all the people, machines, weapons and buildings in one big base (it covers about half of our living room at any time)

Focus on Life ~ Connections: Building a world of connections through Lego with the 10 yo boy :: All Pretty Things

Connecting the bases together through communications: computers, dish satellites and all sort of electronics I do not know the name of (although I have been patiently explained over and over).

Thank you for visiting our floor base today :) And if you'd like to see more connections ~ please make sure to check the rest of the group, I'm sure we'll have tons of fun today (as we do every week).

P.S. I am going to post the winner of the giveaway tomorrow!


  1. We do legos at our place too! and yes I am all too familiar with stepping on them - ouch! my girls do the same. large pile - middle of the floor. sigh. but I love to see them create

  2. Ouch! Yes VERY familiar. Even in the bathroom in the middle of the night(Damn, how'd I miss that one?), Your son has a twin in another one of my grandkids. He is probably working on his Halloween Diorama as we speak.

  3. Perfect pics for this week!
    I so miss the days when our son spent hours with his friends creating whole worlds with Lego *sigh* It has to be one of THE best toys!! We had great family trips to LEGOLAND too - wonderful memories :)

  4. I was given a huge box of lego when I was 7 or 8... it was red and white blocks and some windows and a couple of base plates. WHen I got it it wasn't being sold in NA yet... I spent hours building red and white houses... Definitely one of the better 'toys'...

  5. My brothers had Legos. Oy - they would get everywhere! But they were fun. And painful if stepped on ;)

  6. Sounds like you have a wonderful connection with your son. Connecting all those legos pieces is great fun.

  7. Legos...the pride of childhood...(though I played with Lincoln logs and Tinker Toys) My son is 21 and won't let NEAR his legos! He knows I would want to make jewelry out of They are stored in a plastic bin in the shed right now. Though should he move out......Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh, I so love Legos, too! Logan used to dump his huge bin of them on the floor as well and one Christmas I was insane enough to purchase a Star Wars thingy that had well over 1800 pieces,...yep, it took a few days to put together and we had people and objects that weren't in the original Star Wars either - made it more fun that way!! Truly stretches their imagination - I love it! I miss those days at times. But do not miss stepping on those sharp little things as I walk through the house! LOL!!

  9. Legos are great, and my kids, now in their early twenties, still have a warm spot for them!

  10. Wonderful photos and your way of writing about how much fun your son and you it sounds like you really connect with legos


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