
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy 2nd 'blogoversary'!

I can't really believe it: it's been 2 full years since I started this blog and what a wonderful two years they have been!!

In numbers - I've grown even more: last year I had 33,000 hits on the anniversary (with an average of about 2,750 hits per month). This year I've already surpassed 100K, right now I am at 117,000 hits, that's an average of 4,875 hits per month. I was amazed enough last year, this year I am in awe.

Beyond numbers: I've met and made incredible friends. I was lucky enough to meet a few in person: Melinda of Melinda Orr Designs and the brain-master of Creative Bead Chat and Bead Chat eZine, and Shirley, and Niki. I've grown incredibly through Sally's incredible one year of focusing on life through photography. I've learned tons of new things - and my professional life is at a very interesting crossroad, one that fits perfectly with the word I chose for this year: bloom.

Thus I would like to thank each and every one of you: my family for supporting me, even when I get crazy (I mean crazy) ideas, my friends for being there with a good word or a joke when I need it most, my e-friends for being an amazing community, one that has supported me when I doubted myself and encouraged me to persevere and grow, and last, but surely not least, all my visitors: people I know and people I don't, who stop by to read what I have to say (even on days I have not much to say :) ) and who take the time to comment even when I don't do it diligently (as I should).

And the best way to thank you? Of course: a giveaway!

The giveaway will be on for a week and you can win one (or maybe two, depends on the number of entries :) ) of my recent brass embossed patina hearts:

Happy 2nd blogo-versary!! Of Brass and Colours: Red heart ~ Vintaj natural brass components, ColorMeThis! patina, swarovski crystals, leather, brass wire, embossed, metal work, wire wrapping, ooak jewelry, ooak necklaces :: All Pretty Things

How can you win? The usual ways: use the Rafflecopter widget below.
Also: make sure you use as many entries as you can:
  • Leave a comment on the blog
  • Like All Pretty Things on Facebook (use the buttons on the right side of the blog)
  • Follow this blog (use the buttons on the right side of the blog)
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook (use the buttons at the bottom of this post)
  • Share this giveaway on Twitter (use the buttons at the bottom of this post)
  • Blog about this giveaway (use the buttons at the bottom of this post)
Thank you for joining me on this journey! and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awesome giveaway Alicia and congrats on your blog anniversary. Shared!

  2. Happy Blogaversary,love the heart,

  3. Amazing numbers, Alicia... I am only going to "enter" once because I have been CRAZY lucky with contests this year :) Not complaining!

    Speaking of CRAZY, the only crazy idea is one which has not been attempted out of fear... so don't stop being CRAZY, it often becomes WONDERFUL. Okay, that is enough with the caps, I feel like I am shouting LOL.

    Happy 2nd Blogoversary, my dear!

  4. Happy Blogoversary, Alicia!!

  5. congratulation for the aomazing numbers....and happy 2nd Blogoversary..

  6. What a wonderful gift to offer your followers !

  7. What a beautiful gift to offer your followers.

  8. I would love to mix this heart with my lampwork beads.

  9. It's a lovely heart. Congratulations on your blogoversary

  10. Happy Blogoversary to you! That sure is some wonderful growth!

  11. Happy 2nd Blogoversary Alicia, I am glad to count myself among your long list of friends.

  12. I think I recognize this piece :) Happy Blogoversary my friend! So glad to have crossed paths with you

  13. Happy Blogoversary and I hope you have many more to come :-)


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