
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Focus on Life: Weeks 46 and 47

Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime is hosting a year long challenge which is... sublime... as you'd expect with such a studio name. The challenge is named 'Focusing on Life' and every week Sally is sending a prompt on what should we focus the following week.

I am playing a bit of catch here - last week I was too sick to use the computer!

Last week's prompt was 'Reflect' ~ or in Sally's words: The start of the Holiday Season is coming up quickly weather we are ready or not, so before jumping into all the hustle and bustle let's take a moment to slow down and reflect on all the joy, peace, happiness and love we already have in our life!

I am probably taking a unique perspective here:

Remembrance Day: Canadian Veteran ~ All Pretty Things

I still don't know this gentleman's name - but I know he is a veteran (quite obvious). At William's school, 2 years ago, he participated in the Remembrance Day ceremonies (Nov. 11), and he came back last year too. This year we had another lovely veteran participating.

I would like to take this somewhat late moment to remember and be thankful for all the veterans who fought (and still fight) for freedom and democracy. In the western societies (and in North America more than in Europe) is easy to take for granted your freedom. Please don't! There are people suffering this very moment somewhere else... and even for our own freedom there have been countless men and women who gave their lives and who keep the peace today. Take a moment every day to think about them, and to also be grateful for this precious gift: freedom. May you never know what it truly means to wish for it!

My own grandfather fought in WWII and I have a lovely picture of him I like to share every Remembrance Day:
My grandfather, during WWII ~ All Pretty Things

All the joy, peace, happiness and love in my life starts many eons ago - and while I can't recall all my ancestors, I can remember my grandfather and be grateful: for his service, for his life, for his quiet and unassuming ways, and for something as important: the introduction to religion. But that'a another story, maybe one day I'll share it if you're interested :)

That was my unorthodox reflection piece...

For week 47 ~ gaahh... only 5 weeks remaining?! I hope Sally will come up with something as significant and as joyful as this challenge; I'm going to miss the weekly gatherings and the moments of reflection ~ as I was saying, for week 47 the moment of life we are supposed to capture is 'Centerpiece': the most important feature of your day.

That's easy - besides the love of my family (which I captured many times and in many postures), one thing that's absolutely essential and never missing on my desk is:

Focus on life: Centerpiece ~ All Pretty Things

... flowers, of course! Last week I was sick and couldn't do my weekly grocery shopping, I sent hubby with the list. On the list, among milk and other important stuff, he had one item: flowers.

And today, when I entered the store, these lovely tulips greeted me. I couldn't pass them (I tried, believe me!) - flowers have become just another staple of my life. I don't feel well if there is not a patch of colour on my desk every moment... and why should I?

Thank you, Sally, again for a lovely 'hunt' for that special moment in life.

Thank you for visiting today - I hope you'll stay for a moment, and maybe have a chat... and please remember to visit the rest of the group, we have gathered for lovely stories, as usual.


  1. A lovely Reflect post, Alicia...
    And the tulips are gorgeous! I think treating yourself to a bunch of flowers every once in a while just makes the weekly grocery shop a tad more bearable :)

  2. Glad you are feeling better. Living in a town with a lot of military, Veteran's Day is a big deal here.

    Lovely phot of the tulips.

  3. I have orchids... They are hard enough to get home on the ferry.. My kitchen table center piece has straw flowers balanced on it , sort of real flowers! Your tulips are lovely!

  4. I love tulips! such happy flowers for me, and your's are a beautiful color :)

    Very thought piece on veterans Alicia - the greatest sacrifice for our freedom

  5. Thanks for giving us a double post this week. And what wonderful reflections. We are lucky to get a peek at your flowers, too!

  6. Tulips! This time of year - wonderful!! Great remembrance post and I think it's totally perfect for reflection. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Oh how I truly love 'both' of your posts. :-) Remembering those who have served or are serving our country is so important. Their sacrifices and those of their families are great, but they will be the first to tell you it is all worth it. And I must say I love your flowers, too - so beautiful. We have a rose garden and my hubby tends to it daily. He brings in fresh roses every day that he can (he saves a few before they just wilt away!) and they always brighten my day!

  8. What a wonderful post Alicia. I love your Grandfathers photo. Very pretty tulips. I am glad that you are feeling better.


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