
Monday, December 9, 2013

A beautiful carol (Madrigal - Trei Pastori)

Today we continue our musical journey with a special old carol. This is traditional, 2 millenia oldand speaks about ancestral customs: three shepherds get together and decide to make a crown for baby Jesus. Probably part about the 3 wise men, part about the first who ever heard about Jesus' birth, the shepherds - the song has been transmitted from generation to generation and it's sang quite similarly in all 3 different parts of the country (an amazing happening, if you think each part has been occupied by different Empires at various times, and otherwise are quite different in slang, customs, and even traditional clothing!).

The choir singing it is called "Madrigal" and is the best chamber choir Romania ever had. Amazing musicality, amazing voices, and an amazing conductor - the one who created the choir exactly 50 years ago (the choir was assembled in 1963 - happy Anniversary!)

The pictures are from various parts of Romania - mostly the hills and mountains, and the unique Monasteries of our Orthodoxy.


1 comment:

  1. OK, Alicia, this one is stuck in my brain now LOL. I love the vision of the humble shepherds making a simple gift of a crown of sunflowers (a foreshadowing of the crown of thorns?) The scenes of the hillsides covered in snow are beautiful, and reminded me of the Laurentian Mountains region (near Montréal) where I lived for a couple of years. Those monasteries are incredibly lovely and I am sure many of them must have survived miraculously given the history of foreign invasion.


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