
Friday, January 10, 2014

Focus on Life: Week 2 ~ Silhouette

This week's prompt in the Focus of Life series is "A photograph with a subject(s) captured in a shadowy outline with little or no detail against a bright background."

Hmm... that's quite hard to accomplish, trust me. In today's world, photography and everything else tend to get too complex, too saturate, too colourful, too fast, too everything. To capture a simple pose takes patience, and a bit of luck. To make it a perfect picture - you also need skill (which I am working on, but I openly admit I don't have enough of).

This week has been an incredible cold one - and we also had a -25C crisp day. Not good for getting out of the house, but perfect for taking pictures. Which I did :)

Focus on Life ~ Silhouette: Frozen a crisp winter day :: All Pretty Things

This is one the branches that fell 2 weeks ago, during the ice-age incident we had here. It's frozen in the snow and I thought it's a good subject for the Silhouette prompt.

Focus on Life ~ Silhouette: Frozen a crisp winter day :: All Pretty Things

Same day - you can see the sun shining bright and projecting lovely silhouettes on my sheers :)

The next one is not truly a silhouette, but it is the moment that made me stand up from my desk (facing the window) and pick up the camera: the bulbs shone very bright (they were on in the middle of the day, and the sun reflected off them) and the whole scene was taken out of some fairy tale book:

Focus on Life ~ Silhouette: Frozen a crisp winter day :: All Pretty Things

I hope you've enjoyed my truly cold, but gorgeous scenery (I will take a day like that instead of today's +1 and grey, ugly sky).

Please make sure you visit everyone else's silhouettes today!


  1. Love that first picture.. I was too big a wimp to leave the house... so my entire picture is shadowy!

  2. Also love the first picture. Love the shadow of the branch on the snow.

  3. Great silhouettes. glad you braved the cold for them.

  4. beautiful pictures ... you look like you got dumped on with snow!

  5. Very pretty pictures! The snow makes for beautiful photos.

  6. Gorgeous pictures - I love the simplicity of the branch, it's beautiful.

  7. Beautiful pictures. My favorite is the shadows on the sheers, That's an inventive take on the theme!

  8. wow - really love your photos! Hope it warms up this week for you!

  9. Oooh, don't know why, but I just love the bauble shadow photo :)
    Great pics!!

  10. Gorgeous pictures! The best thing (and let's face it, the only good thing) about sub-zero temps is all that amazing sunlight! You took advantage of it beautifully!

  11. I love all your photos, especially the one with the little pretty little lights. I had a difficult time with this assignment beginning with how to spell it. . The sun did not cooperate and I don't have the skills to make it happen. I had to enlist the help of my husband, which really irked me.

  12. Winter does lend itself to some amazing destruction as well as blinding beauty

  13. Your pictures are all beautiful, but I love the first one, it is magical and fantastic!

  14. I love the silhouette of the tree against the snow, it would make a wonderful framed picture.

  15. I really enjoyed all your pictures, very beautiful indeed. You have a natural talent

  16. I love the tree branch image, a frozen moment in more ways than one. *smile*

  17. Oh I enjoyed these images so much!!! They are all gorgeous, but I especially love the ornament shadows!!!

  18. Foarte frumoase fotografiile, prima mă trimite cu gândul la stampele japoneze, iar a doua--la arta abstractă. A treia e mai "concretă", şi, ce să zic, îmi imaginez că aşa ar fi trebuit să fie şi la noi Crăciunul...
    Eh,, ce să facem, doar Cel-de -Sus dispune.....


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