
Monday, January 27, 2014

New adventures & journeys

I am not sure how often I'll post in the next couple of weeks, as we prepare for the trip of our lives! Hubby is taking the team that's training on the International trap on a training camp in Europe, more precisely Spain, on the range that has hosted one of the World Championships last year, and it will host another one this fall.

We haven't been in Europe since we left (16 1/2 years ago) so it will make for an interesting trip - especially since I'll be in charge with the well-being of the team. Where 'well-being' is a loosely defined term and can mean many things, except one: peace and quiet :)

Far for complaining, I am excited and trying to juggle all these balls in the air right now - please wish me luck!

As soon as we'll figure out the logistics of the Internet in Spain I will check in and for sure I'll have lots of pictures and stories for when we come back.

Wishing you a wonderful end of January, beginning of February - and hoping for no more snow when we return (wishful thinking, I know).

Hold on to Hope! :: All Pretty Things


  1. Luck Luck Best of Luck taking care of so many people!

  2. I hope in between your "work" duties will be a chance to visit family and friends, maybe even be "touristy". I wish you a wonderful trip, Alicia!

  3. Have a wonderful trip Alicia, looking forward to hearing about the trip and seeing the pictures.


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