
Monday, May 26, 2014

The Creative Continuum of 7 artists - May reveal: Seasons

If you're looking for the Bead Soup Blog Party #8 - please click here!

Welcome to a new CC7A - the lovely group of 7 artist friends who are creating on a given theme each month, with someone's choice of beads.

This month I am hosting the party, one that reflects upon and celebrates 'Seasons'. Weather-like seasons or personal seasons :)

We had to work with gemstone cabs and a strand of gemstone beads - mine was an Amazonite group and I have to tell you upfront, I don't recall who received what, so it'll be a surprise for all of us.

I kept the amazonite because of the colour - it is one of my favourite: a light blue, the colour of water, sky, and - for me - happiness. The season I chose is spring, the season I used to love the most (I still love it, but here, in Canada you never really know when it's spring, it always seems to jump from winter directly to summer :) ).

I won't lie, I almost not posted (again!) - I had one design in mind, and that design meant I had to get to the studio in Hamilton... as luck would have it, the entire week something happened on the day I wanted to go until there was no more time! Now what?!

I sat today looking at my cab and asking for help from any higher power there might be. You know how some beautiful things can be born out of necessity?! Well, that was me last night. At 11 pm (yes, you read it right) I picked the cab and the strand of beads and sat at my improvised 'working desk' in the living room. An hour later I was ready to take pictures (and most of the time had been used to make the actual necklace, not the pendant! I kind of dislike knotting now :) ) and here is what I am ready to present you:

The Waterfall:

CC7A May: The Waterfall ~ amazonite, ooak necklace, wire wrapped :: All Pretty Things

I've been seeing this type of wire wrapping for a long time, and wished to try it... no time like 'now' - I tried it and I love it! I have to figure a couple of things out, but for a first try I am pretty pleased with how it came out.

CC7A May: The Waterfall ~ amazonite, ooak necklace, wire wrapped :: All Pretty Things

I still need to add the clasp, it was way to late at midnight to hammer wire :) it'll have to wait until daylight.

CC7A May: The Waterfall ~ amazonite, ooak necklace, wire wrapped :: All Pretty Things

Originally I was worried about this design, I thought it'll cover too much of the stone. Now I like how the swirls add some character to the stone, without taking away its beauty. I believe this design is better than what I originally had in mind ~ but I'll still want to try my original design... I have to chose another cab and try.

Thank you for stopping by today - and please make sure you visit everyone else as well, can't wait to see what they have created!

Alicia Marinache (May host) <- you are here


  1. Hi Alicia,
    I love your design it is gorgeous. I does look like a water fall with the water swirling around at the base of the fall.

  2. I love this necklace! The wirework really compliments the stone and is beautiful!

  3. Now this is some awesome wire wrapping - I love it! And amazonite is one of my favorite stones, too!

  4. whoa! that is stunning wire work my friend! I am always just awe struck when I see how you wrap a cab ... how in the world do you do that? It has such a fluid, splashy pattern to it - perfectly waterfall, and perfectly spring when the snows melt! LOVE this

  5. Beautiful, Alicia... I love how the wires swirl (to me looking like clouds) :) Showing your comment to my Hubby... "in Canada you never really know when it's spring"... he has said for years we have no such season LOL.

  6. WOW Alicia, I am amazed that you made that awesome necklace in an hour. It is wonderful.

  7. I think the wire adds a lot to the cab. What a lovely shade of blue in those stones... How did you keep those wires so tight?!

  8. Wow, this is an awesome design. The wirework is fabulous!

  9. As a wire lover & wirework artist, I honestly find myself not liking the gratuitous spirals of some techniques -- BUT you created something entirely different, absolutely gorgeous & attractive & breathtaking here! Gee, you are good, Alicia! You created double curves, like double infinity links, and the open, flowing soft, flattened & lovely movement is elegant & sophisticated; gentle & relaxing. I LOVE your wirewrapping, and the knotted (made me giggle... I know that feeling!) bead necklace is a perfect compliment. Your connection to Source came through with great beauty & joy! Love how you design with spirit. Bravo!

  10. What a beautiful use of negative space! I've said it in conversation to other art aware types, I can't do watercolour because I can't work well in negative space ... well and I also love saturated colour... but anyways I love the feel of that here, the voids. Plus it's blue, how could I not love it! Thank you for the inspiration this month to take a wee look back at winter, but I sure would love a nice waterfall visit

  11. Splendid totul, dar mai ales pandantivul e cu totul deosebit !

  12. Amazing creativity... Great work done using Gemstone beads...!

  13. What a gorgeous piece ~ soothing, calming, peaceful. The swirls on the cab look like the bottom pool of a waterfall. And the color of your amazonite is so lovely. It is hard to believe this wasn't your vision for the piece all along. Thank you Alicia ~ for this whole experience and for the cabs and rounds this month. It has been very very inspiring :-)

  14. A magnificent piece. You did an excellent job with the wire wrapping, especially for a first time....I am luck to just get mine to wrap and stay.....awesome job!

  15. I really love how you wire wrapped the focal --I think the silver wire really compliments the blue stone :-)

  16. Alicia, WOW!!! I can't stop staring at those beautiful swirls, the repetition of the circles is so soothing! Beautifully done!

    Thank you for the beautiful cabochon and beads they were so much fun to work with (still working on a piece with the beads), that cabby pushed me past my beading boundary! THANK YOU!!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate and love to read your comments!