
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Creative Continuum of 7 Artists - 2015

Hello again, and welcome to another monthly installment of the CC7A, 2015 edition!

In case you missed it last year, it's a small group of very talented artists, from Canada and US, and we meet 7 moths of the year to have fun and do what we love most: create.

Last year we based our creation on the same small package of items we sent each other. This year, being a tad crazier for me re: schedule, the format will change slightly.
For 2015 what we do is pick an image and get inspired by it.

I will host April and today I am revealing the picture we will all use:

It is April and both my friends and I celebrate Easter (they all did last Sunday, we, as Orthodox, will celebrate this coming Sunday), so a basket of our Easter eggs from last year seems fitted. The palette is just a guiding idea, I am quite enamoured by that pink Easter Cactus bloom in the background. as a side comment, all my cacti is in bloom... again... and they were in bloom at Christmas too! I don't think they can make up their mind on what holiday cacti they are :)

The reveal for these monthly get-together is the 26th - hence I am inviting you to come back at least on the 26th to see what everybody created with my eclectically colourful  picture.

The CC7A composition:

Alicia (April host) ~ you are here
Therese (May host)
Sally (June host)
Monique (August)
Cynthia (September)
Emma (October)
Christine (November)

... yes, I know how to count the months, we have all decided July is mostly a crazy summer month, with vacations and kids out of school... so we have decided to keep this fun and not very stressful, and skip July altogether.


  1. Hi Alicia,
    I am half finished with my creation for this month. See you on the 26th.

  2. Looking forward to the small bit of peace creating provides :)

    Blessed Easter to your family!

  3. can't wait to see what everyone has created


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